Chapter Three
Principles Of Spiritual Metaphysics
Digest of “Four Concepts Of The Spiritual Structure Of Creation”, pg. 43 - 89, chap. 3
“The Most High requested that the following revelation be transmitted for the consideration of all who are interested in enhancing and enriching their spirituality.
It is time to reveal something about the nature and structure of Creation. What follows transcends everything that has been previously stated in this respect. It will not be easy to understand.
Modern theoretical physicists on Earth have a vague understanding that each and every particle of matter is somehow connected to each and every particle elsewhere in the entire physical universe. These scientists are aware that this connection and relatedness is of a non-local nature. This signifies that somehow these particles bypass the known laws of the spatial-temporal continuum of the physical universe and establish a synchronous, simultaneous and discrete inter- and intraconnectedness so that whatever happens to one particle at one particular location has instantaneous impact on all its counterparts throughout the entire physical universe.
This theory can be considered tenuously correct to the degree that Earth scientists are capable of understanding and formulating it. However, there are two major problems and limitations to this theory:
First, this theory is unidimensional, limited only to the physical universe. Little or no regard is taken for the multidimensional connectedness and relatedness. The theory recognizes that such interconnectedness and relatedness exists only within the physical universe. The existence of anything other than the physical universe is not taken into consideration. And, although the Earth scientists recognize the fact that this interconnectedness follows some kind of mysterious laws, unknown to them, and that the concept of continuous flow or linearity is no longer tenable, they, nevertheless, neglect to consider the most important factor of such a situation - a spiritual factor. This spiritual factor contends that the connectedness and relatedness of all occurrences and phenomena in the entire Creation is not limited to the unidimensional region but is of a multidimensional nature. This means that every particle in the physical universe is connected to and forms a relation not only with any other particle in the physical universe but, most importantly, with its corresponding counterparts in the intermediate or spiritual-natural universe and in the internal or the spiritual universe. This interconnectedness and interrelatedness is of a discrete, synchronous and simultaneous nature, while also being of a continuous nature as far as intraconnectedness and intrarelatedness is concerned.
Although the Earth scientists postulate four dimensions, this postulation is limited to the physical universe only. Thus, it is a unidimensional stance, because within each dimension one can establish perceptual dimensions that are related more to the subjective apperception of a dimension, within which one establishes one's current being and existence, rather than in the different dimensions of reality.
The second problem with the above-mentioned theory is in the fact that the Earth scientists try to define everything from the position of their own physical universe, a universe which is, in fact, not a real physical universe but a displaced zone of the real physical universe (see the first chapter of this booklet). The problem with this situation is that what scientists consider to be matter, reality, particles, etc., is not true matter, true reality, true particles, etc., but, in fact, a fallout, waste and displacement of matter, reality, particles, etc. This fallout and waste is the result of the sentient entities' continuous awareness of having a choice which opposes the reality of the positive state and the spiritual principles. Such an awareness, which is a constant and continuous awareness that one has an eternal choice to deny, reject or distort the spiritual reality of the positive state, produces anti-thoughts, anti-ideas, anti-perception, and anti-concepts that are a by-product of the existence of this choice. The concept of anti-matter, anti-universe, etc., in fact, derives from the existence of such a choice.
In this respect one can safely speculate that the Zones of Displacement (from which Earth scientists attempt to understand the universe) make up the anti-universe of anti-matter and antiparticles, which are perceived by the scientists in an upside-down fashion as a real universe, real matter and real particles. Thus, laws, principles and categories derived from such a position or stance have nothing in common with laws, principles and categories of the real universe. They are valid only within the Zone of Displacement.
At this point it is necessary to recognize that the universe is governed and ruled by a certain set of laws and principles that have universal applicability and general validity. From these general types of laws and principles different sets of laws and principles derive that have a local applicability and validity only.
One could conceptualize that there are general laws and principles that govern and rule the physical universe. From them derive laws and principles that govern and rule a certain physical galaxy. From them, in turn, derive the laws and principles that govern and rule a certain specific physical Solar system. From these, in turn, derive the laws and principles that rule and govern a certain specific physical planet.
The laws and principles that govern and rule a specific physical planet, are valid and applicable only within the sphere of that planet. However, since these laws and principles derive, in a general sense, from the laws and principles of the planet's respective Solar system, all planets of that system are interconnected and interrelated. In turn, the laws and principles of such a particular physical Solar system are valid and applicable only within that particular solar system. However, since they derive, in a general sense, from the laws and principles of their respective physical galaxy, all Solar systems and their planets of that respective physical galaxy are interconnected and interrelated. And, of course, since the laws and principles of one physical galaxy derive, in a general sense, from the laws and principles of its respective physical universe, all galaxies, their Solar systems and their planets and other bodies are in a state and process of continuous inter- and intraconnectedness and relatedness. However, as mentioned above, this is one limited aspect of inter- and intraconnectedness and relatedness, and one can conceptualize this type of connectedness and relatedness as a continuous and simultaneous mode.
Although such a mode of continuous and simultaneous connectedness and relatedness is vital for survival of any physical universe from within itself, it is not sufficient for survival from outside itself.
The principle here is that all laws and principles which govern and rule one respective physical universe relate and are connected to the laws and principles of all other physical universes which exist in different spatial-temporal continuums. They are all interdependent. But even this situation is not sufficient for their proper function and survival. Any laws and principles of any physical universe with its galaxies, solar systems, planets and bodies, derive from still more general laws and principles of the intermediate or spiritual-natural universes and their respective galaxies, solar systems, planets and bodies. The structure and nature of this intermediate world has nothing in common with the structure and nature of the physical world except that they correspond. None of the laws and principles of the physical universes are applicable and valid in the intermediate universes although they derive their general being and existence from the principles and laws of the intermediate universes. However, because of this derivative nature, the laws and principles of the intermediate universes supersede in all respects all laws and principles of the physical universes, as the laws and principles of one physical universe supersede the laws and principles of any of its galaxies, and as laws and principles of one galaxy supersede the laws and principles of each particular physical Solar system. The same is true in regard to the laws and principles of any planet or celestial body which are superseded by the laws and principles which govern and rule their respective Solar system.
Due to the fact that all laws and principles of physical universes, with all their galaxies, solar systems, planets and bodies, derive in an ultimate sense from the laws and principles which govern and rule the intermediate universes and their respective galaxies, solar systems, planets and bodies, they are all interrelated and interconnected in all respects, and one cannot properly understand and explain any event or phenomenon in one place of the universe without its connectedness and relatedness to its corresponding place in any other universe, both in a continuous sense and in a discrete and synchronous sense.
There is an infinite number and variety of physical universes existing in different time lines and space synchronicity, and there is an infinite number and variety of the intermediate universes existing in different states and processes. Since all laws and principles which govern and rule one physical universe derive from the laws and principles of the intermediate universes, any event, occurrence, phenomenon and happening of any particular physical universe, at any place in it, is caused by the occurrence of corresponding events and phenomena of the particular intermediate universe and its respective place, state and process.
But even this arrangement is not sufficient for survival, maintenance, progression and process of both these general dimensions - the physical dimension with its infinite number and variety of the physical universes and their infinite number and variety of galaxies, solar systems, planets and various bodies; and the spiritual-natural or intermediate dimension with its infinite number and variety of intermediate universes and their infinite number and variety of galaxies, solar systems, planets and bodies.
One has to realize that as the laws and principles of the physical dimension (with its infinite numbers and variety of subdimensions) derive their being and existence from the laws and principles of the intermediate dimension (with all its infinite number and variety of subdimensions), so do all laws and principles which govern and rule the intermediate dimension derive, in a general sense, their origin, being and existence from the laws and principles that rule and govern the spiritual dimension; this dimension is likewise comprised of the infinite number and variety of spiritual universes with all their infinite number and variety of spiritual galaxies, solar systems, planets and bodies. The structure and the nature of this spiritual dimension has nothing in common with the structure and the nature of either the intermediate dimension or the physical dimension. However, they all correspond to each other.
Because of the derivation of all laws and principles of the intermediate dimension from the laws and principles of the spiritual dimension, they are all connected and related to all laws and principles of the spiritual dimension. For this reason, in an ultimate sense, each and every event, happening, phenomenon or occurrence which takes place in the intermediate dimension is the result, consequence and outcome of such corresponding occurrences in the spiritual dimension. Without such an occurrence in the spiritual dimension nothing would occur in the intermediate dimension. And since any event, phenomenon or happening in the physical dimension is the result and consequence of its corresponding occurrence in the intermediate dimension, nothing, in turn, would occur or take place in the physical dimension.
Thus, every single particle of the physical dimension, as well as the entire physical dimension with all its infinite number and variety of physical universes and their respective infinite number and variety of galaxies, solar systems, planets and bodies, is constantly, continuously, simultaneously and synchronously connected, and relates through the intermediate dimension and all its universes, galaxies and worlds to the spiritual dimension and all its infinite number and variety of universes, galaxies, solar systems, planets and bodies.
Here one can see, if one wants to see, how everything in Creation is connected and relates to everything else, and nothing could be or exist in itself and by itself without such a relatedness and connectedness.
This structure, nature and hierarchy of the organization of Creation also points out the fact that in the entire Creation, without any exception or exclusion, the originating factors of any events, occurrences, happenings, etc., are always from the spiritual to the natural or physical, which is from within to without, and never from without to within, never from the natural to the spiritual, except as feedback of reception, perception, reaction and experience only.
However, this situation is not quite sufficient for survival, maintenance, function, development and progression of Creation.
The problem with this entire structure is that all its principles, laws and categories, which govern each and every dimension, are permanently relative to something else and derive from some other higher orders, laws and principles, which, in turn, are still relative to even higher laws and principles, etc., ad infinitum.
(The term "dimensions" throughout this discourse signifies the spiritual dimension with all its infinite number and variety of spiritual universes and their respective infinite number and variety of spiritual galaxies, solar systems, planets and bodies; the intermediate or spiritual-natural dimension with all its unite number and variety of the intermediate universes and their respective infinite number and variety of the intermediate galaxies, solar systems, planets and bodies; and the physical dimension with all its infinite number and variety of the physical universes and their respective infinite number and variety of the physical galaxies, solar systems, planets and bodies.)
Such a circular interconnectedness and interrelatedness, in their relativity of functions and interdependency, would be logically relative to some state, process and condition which is relative to nothing.
Therefore, based on this inevitable and logical conclusion, it is necessary to postulate an Absolute State, Process and Condition that has no relativity in Itself and by Itself but produces and, at the same time, incorporates all infinite number and variety of relatives in being and existence. The cumulative sum of such an infinite number and variety of relatives comprises its Absolute State, Process and Condition.
However, by the logic of this matter, it is inconceivable to produce anything Absolute from anything relative even in the total cumulative sum of all relatives. The cumulative sum of all relatives would still be only relative.
In this respect, it is obvious that the only possible order of occurrences, proceedings and becomings is from the Absolute State, Process and Condition to the relative one. The Absolute does not occur, proceed or become because it always is in Itself and by Itself.
Therefore, all laws, principles and categories which govern and rule their respective dimensions and their respective universes and worlds would have to derive, in an ultimate sense, from the Absolute Laws, Principles and Categories that govern and rule this Absolute State, Process and Condition.
In this respect, then, whatever occurs in any dimension and its universes and worlds is the ultimate consequence, outcome and manifestation of the corresponding occurrences in the Absolute State which is relative to nothing.
Because the Absolute State is relative to nothing, it is uncreated and always is apart from any time-space condition. The spatial-temporal condition denotes its relative nature. Nothing of the relative is in the Absolute despite the fact that all relatives proceed from the Absolute. Therefore, nothing in the Absolute is of time and space despite the fact that time and space proceed from the Absolute's Being and Existence.
Since each and every thing in Creation and all its dimensions, without any exception or exclusion, derives in the ultimate sense, from this Uncreated Absolute State, Process and Condition, each and every thing in being and existence is in a state, process and condition of interconnectedness, interrelatedness and interdependency.
One could safely conceptualize this Absolute State, Process and Condition as an Absolute Center of Creation from which circles constantly reverberate in a ripple effect going further out in both a continuous and discrete, and a synchronous and simultaneous manner. Without being centers in themselves, all these circles of beings and existences derive from the Absolute Center which does not derive from anything. Because they derive from this Center, they are always relative to it, and through it to each other. However, since this Center is something that always is in itself and by itself, all else can be and can exist only from such a Center and never in itself and by itself.
This arrangement is correspondingly reflected in the structure of all dimensions and their respective universes as a replica of the Absolute State, Process and Condition.
Not too long ago, it came to the attention of astronomers and astrophysicists on Earth that there is a singular object located in the center of every Galaxy, a singular object which seems to exhibit properties of what is tenuously known as a black or white hole or some similar object. The nature of such an object is elusive to the Earth scientists. What this singular object represents or means in relation to the Galaxy is not known to the scientists.
It can be safely postulated that such a singular object exists in the center of each and every dimension; of each and every universe; of each and every galaxy; of each and every solar system; of each and every planet and body. In the ultimate sense, one can safely and correctly postulate such an Ultimate and Absolute Center - a Singular Object - for the entire Creation.
There is a precise and perfect correspondence among all these singular object-centers, and to and from the One Absolute, Ultimate Singular Center all the way down the line to the singular object-center of a singular planet or a celestial body. These singular object-centers are directly interconnected, interrelated and interdependent, and together they are all connected, related and dependent on the Absolute, Ultimate Source-Center.
By and through these singular object-enters, the One Absolute Singular Object-Center governs and rules the entire Creation by the established laws and categories. These laws and categories are evenly distributed among all Creation and are properly aligned from their position to the Absolute Source-Center.
Now, the Earth's scientists have a tendency to call these singular objects black or white holes. These terms are a distortion of the true nature of such an object. It is true that it absorbs everything in its way including light. However, such an absorption is not cataclysmic, as the scientists think, but a redistribution, realignment, rebalancing and reestablishment of the relevant dimensional elements (physical, intermediate or spiritual) in accordance with the spiritual principle of equilibrium. However, the function of such an object is not limited to such a process. Its main function is in the balancing of that which is assigned to its region of Creation and to the maintenance of a link, a connectedness to all other universes, galaxies, solar systems, planets and celestial bodies within its own dimension and all its subdimensions, time lines and paratimes.
Thus, such a singular object can be considered, among other things, a connector or a gate to all other modes of being and existence within its dimension and also through the corresponding connectedness and relatedness to its counter-centers in the other dimensions, and to the intermediate and spiritual dimension respectively. Because of such a nature and structure, this singular object contains within itself not only all laws and principles that govern and rule its own region and dimension but also all other regions and dimensions.
Thus, if one could approach such an object and enter it, and if one would have the proper knowledge of correspondences which rule and govern such centers, one would be able to travel or to appear everywhere and everywhen in the entire Creation in a moment of time.
Because of the ignorance that exists on Earth, produced by the activated and domineering negative state and process, people on Earth do not realize that there is nothing easier than to do just that. Not only that, but if one would be able to discover and manipulate these laws and principles of correspondences, one could easily and effortlessly build such a singular object in one's own backyard, so to speak, and simply step through it and appear at any place and at any time in Creation which one desires and, after visiting there, come back to one's own place and one's own time without any loss of passing time.
This knowledge was obliterated from everyone on Earth and from everyone in the entire inhabited Zone of Displacement so that people, under the influence of the negative state, would not annihilate themselves and the entire Creation by their evil intentions.
As one can see these singular objects are in a sense a balancing, ruling and governing principle of their respective regions and galaxies.
Now, this state can be considered an outward, external or physical structure of Creation ("physical" in this connotation does not denote "from matter" but only a formal arrangement of affairs within and among various dimensions).
However, the structure and the nature of Creation is not limited to or by its formal or external arrangement. The being or existence of various forms of Creation is not self-purposeful and self-directional. The various forms are here to serve and to be containers of their content; this content gives and determines the purpose, meaning, life and goal to Creation and all its forms. Without this content, Creation, with its forms, would be an empty vessel serving no use. Such a situation is intolerable in Creation. All forms of Creation were created to contain the content of Creation.
But what is the nature of this content? How can one define this content?
In order to properly apprehend the content of Creation, one must start, in this instance, from the Absolute and Ultimate Source and the Center of the entire Creation and its Absolute Content.
The very essence and substance of this Absolute Content consists of all infinite number and variety of Absolute Ideas, principles, Categories, Thoughts and Images of the entire Creation from eternity to eternity. This area of the Absolute Center is called the Absolute Spirit of the Absolute Source. The nature of this Absolute Spirit is comprised of Pure Absolute Love and Pure Absolute Wisdom. Since it is the area of all ideas, principles, categories, thoughts and images of being and existence, it is also the Absolute State and Absolute Process of these ideas, principles, categories, thoughts and images. Their Absolute State and Process contains also the Absolute Idea of the Absolute Consciousness and the Absolute Self-Awareness and Self-Image; from these Absolute Ideas all relative ideas of the awareness, self-concepts and self-images originate and derive.
The Absolute Spirit of the Absolute Source or the Absolute Center can be conceptualized as its Absolute Inner Mind. The state and process of this Absolute Inner Mind is Absolutely Fluid, Progressive, Dynamic and Creative deriving from Its Nature of Absolute Love and Absolute Wisdom. Because this Absolute Inner Mind is in the state and the process of constant activity, exchange, intrarelatedness, by such a condition, It unceasingly produces Absolute Spiritual Energies that emanate and radiate in two synchronous, simultaneous and continuous directions. One direction can be conceptualized as taking place from the Absolute Within to the Absolute Within. The other direction can be conceptualized as taking place from the Absolute Within to the relative without.
The direction from within to within is from the Absolute to the Absolute. As it proceeds by a synchronous and discrete mode, without time and space, it gives a simultaneous content to the second area of the Absolute Source and its Absolute Spirit; this area can be conceptualized as the Absolute Interior Mind of the Absolute Source. The Absolute Content of this Absolute Interior Mind consists of all proceedings of the Absolute Ideas, Concepts, Categories, Principles, Thoughts and Images, etc., which are absolutely manifested here as the Absolute Mentality of the Absolute Source. Here the continuous Absolute Transformations of these Absolute Ideas, etc., occur in the Absolute Spirit or the Absolute Inner Mind so that they take the form of the Absolute Mentation in such states and process as the Absolute Thought Process, Absolute Volitional Process and Absolute Emotional Process and all their Absolute Derivatives.
The other direction of constantly radiating and emanating Absolute Spiritual Energy from within to without is the direction from the Absolute to the relative. As this spiritual energy radiates and emanates from the Absolute Inner Mind to without, it forms the first circle around the Absolute Center, a circle which can be conceptualized as a spiritual dimension of Creation. Since the Absolute Inner Mind consists of the infinite number and variety of the Absolute Ideas, Thoughts, Concepts, Principles, Categories and Images of Being and Existence, therefore, the spiritual dimension corresponds precisely to these Absolute States and Processes in an infinite number and variety of spiritual universes and their respective spiritual galaxies, solar systems, planets, and all other spiritual bodies. And since the Absolute Source in its Absolute Spirit, as the Absolute Inner Mind, is Absolutely Self-Aware and Self-Perceptive from within to within, and from within to without, all content of the spiritual dimension is likewise self-aware and self-perceptive in all its aspects, degrees and singularities. Thus, there is a constant interand intraconnectedness and intra- and interrelatedness of all singularities of the spiritual dimension among themselves and to their Absolute Source, from which Absolute Source they derive their self-awareness, self-image, self-being and self-existence.
Because the spiritual dimension directly derives from the Absolute Inner Mind of the Absolute Source, by virtue of this and from this position, relatedness and connectedness, its content constitutes the very Inner Mind or the Center of the entire Creation. Thus, the Inner Mind of the entire Creation, in an ultimate sense, derives directly from the Absolute Inner Mind of the Absolute Source. Since every singularity of the spiritual dimension contains within itself its own Inner Mind or its own center derived from the general Inner Mind of its particular dimension, all Inner Minds of all singularities in the spiritual dimension are interconnected and interrelated both to each other and to the Absolute Inner Mind of their Absolute Source.
Now, the Absolute Interior Mind of the Absolute Source from its Absolute Inner Mind in Its process of Absolute Mentation generates tremendous spiritual and mental types of energies in a cumulative sum, energies which constantly emanate and radiate their own spheres into two directions in synchronous, simultaneous and continuous mode, the direction being from the Absolute Within to the Absolute Within and from the Absolute Within to the relative without.
In the first instance (from the Absolute Within to the Absolute Within), the Absolute External Mind of the Absolute Source is constantly generated in synchronicity, simultaneity and discreteness with the Absolute Being and Absolute Existence of the Absolute Inner Mind and the Absolute Interior Mind. The content of the Absolute External Mind consists of all manifestations, concretizations, actualizations and realizations of all occurrences of the Absolute Inner Mind and all proceedings of the Absolute Interior Mind.
In the Absolute Completeness and Absolute Content of these three inter- and intraconnected, related and dependent Absolute Minds, one can find the Absolute Sense of the Absolute Being and Absolute Existence of the Absolutely One Absolute Singular Intelligent or Sentient Entity or Being which people on Earth label in such terms as God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit and in many other similar terms. For the purpose of this booklet, this Entity will be called the Most High.
This Absolute Sense of the Absolute Being and Existence of the Most High is the true Content of the Absolute Source or Center and the true derivative content of the entire Creation.
In the second instance (direction from the Absolute Within to the relative without), a second circle around the Absolute Center is formed in synchronicity, simultaneity and discreteness of the Most High's Creative Effort. This second circle can be conceptualized as the intermediate dimension of Creation. Since the Absolute Interior Mind consists of the infinite number and variety of proceeding ideas, thoughts, concepts, categories, images, etc., in the process of their manifestation, there are an infinite number and variety of the intermediate universes, their respective infinite number and variety of galaxies, solar systems, planets and bodies which are in a perfect corresponding interrelatedness, connectedness and dependency to the Absolute Interior Mind of the Most High and to the rest of Creation and all its singularities. However, because the interior dimension derives from the Absolute Interior Mind of the Most High through the spiritual dimension, which is the Inner Mind of Creation connected to the Absolute Inner Mind of the Most High, everything in this dimension is, thus, connected, related and depends upon the Absolute Inner Mind of the Most High in successive order through the Absolute Interior Mind. In this sense, the interior dimension can be conceptualized as the interior mind of the entire Creation. Since every singularity of the intermediate dimension derives from this structure and nature, every such singularity must contain within itself the Inner Mind and the interior mind, which are inter- and intraconnected, related and dependent on each other and on the Absolute Source in the successive order through the interior mind to the Inner Mind. Thus, the Inner Mind of any singularity, or of any planet, solar system, galaxy, universe and dimension is the ultimate source of everything in Creation, as the Absolute Inner Mind of the Most High is the Absolute Source of all Inner Minds in their cumulative being and existence and through the Inner Minds of all their respective interior minds.
Now, the Absolute External Mind of the Most High is in the Absolute State and Process of manifestation, actualization and realization from eternity to eternity of everything by and from the Absolute Interior and Absolute Inner Minds in all dimensions, the Most High being their Absolute Source or Center. This situation is the result of the total cumulative sums of all occurring and proceeding energies from the Absolute Activities of the Absolute Inner Mind and the Absolute Interior Mind together with Absolute Activities of the Absolute External Mind (in the form of Becoming); this External Mind produces its own energies. This unusual absolutely active, productive and creative state and process of the Most High's Absolute External Mind radiates and emanates constantly and continuously energies that go into two directions - from the Absolute Within to the Absolute Within in the mode of Absolute Feedback of the nature and experience of all manifestations, concretizations, actualizations and realizations of the Most High's Absolute Creative Effort; and from the Absolute Within to the relative without.
The direction from the Absolute Within to the relative without forms the third circle around the Absolute Source or the Center - the Most High. This third circle can be conceptualized as the physical dimension, a dimension which, in turn, can be conceptualized as the external mind of the entire Creation of the Most High. It is in a perfect and precise correspondence to the Absolute External Mind of the Most High and through it to the Absolute Interior Mind of the Most High and through it to the Absolute Inner Mind of the Most High. And because the Absolute External Mind of the Most High contains all infinite variety and number of realized, concretized, actualized and manifested Absolute Thoughts, Ideas, Concepts, Categories and Images, there is a corresponding infinite number and variety of physical universes, and their respective infinite number of physical galaxies, solar systems, planets and other bodies in the physical dimension.
The process of Creation in this connotation is always from within to without in succession and intermediacy, but at the same time it is also in synchronicity, simultaneity and discreteness. This signifies that from the Absolute Source - the Most High particularly from the Most High's Absolute Inner Mind, the spiritual dimension is created. From this spiritual dimension and from the Absolute Interior Mind of the Most High the intermediate dimension is created. From this intermediate dimension and from the Absolute External Mind of the Most High the physical dimension is created. This is a successive and the intermediary order of Creation.
However, since each dimension stems from the Most High, each dimension is created from, by and through the Most High Who uses every preceding step of Creation as a stepping stone for the next step of Creation, utilizing all available energies of each preceding step.
On the other hand, the process of Creation is non-linear and does not take place in the space-time continuum. Instead it takes place as a synchronous, simultaneous and discrete occurrence, proceeding and becoming. During this process various time and space elements and categories are introduced into each dimension and their respective universes and worlds. The three general dimensions differ infinitely from each other but at the same time they are interconnected, interrelated and interdependent through, by and from their respective singular centers. These singular centers, in turn, are all interconnected, interrelated and interdependent regardless of the dimension, universe, galaxy, solar system, planet, time line, paratime or space line from which they derive. In turn, in their totality, all these singular centers, which govern and rule their respective regions, are totally connected, related and dependent on the Absolute One Source and Center-the Most High Who governs, rules, maintains, develops, creates, progresses and balances the entire Creation through these singular centers.
However, as mentioned previously, this structure and nature of Creation derives from the Absolute Structure and Nature of the Most High. The Most High was defined, among other things, as an Absolutely Self-Aware, Self-Perceptive, Self-Knowing and Absolutely Conscious Sentient Entity and Being. Therefore, from such an Absolute Nature, the Most High creates an infinite number and variety of sentient entities in human and non-human forms, for whom the Most High provides appropriate environments in the form of the spiritual, intermediate and physical or material dimensions. The form, structure and nature of these dimensions derive from the form, structure and nature of the Sentient Mind; this sentient mind is the exact replica of the Absolute Sentient Mind. Thus, one has here the Absolute Sentiency that constantly and continuously creates, relative to Itself, sentiencies who become processes and extensions of the Absolute Most High, in the relative sense.
From this stems the structure and the nature of all sentient entities regardless of their external forms. Each and every sentient entity reflects in a unique, relative state, process and condition the Absolute Nature and Structure of the Most High. In other words, each sentient entity is the image and likeness of the Most High in His/ Her one absolutely unique concept, idea, thought, category or image that is extended into the process of being and existence of one sentient entity; the sentient entity, in this connotation, reflects within itself the structure and the nature of the entire Creation.
Because the Most High consists of three general Absolute Levels of His/ Her Absolute Mind, each sentient entity is comprised of three levels of its mind: the Inner 1VIiniI, the interior mind and the external mind. Because these minds are in the precise correspondence to the Absolute Structure of the Most High's Absolute Mind, and because they derive their being, existence, sense and meaning from the Absolute Mind of the Most High, each and every sentient entity is connected, related and dependent upon the Absolute Being and Absolute Existence of the Most High. This is one of the most vital, crucial and fundamental spiritual principles of the entire Creation.
However, since every sentient entity is a unique, relative representative of the Absolute Most High, the cumulative sum of all infinite number and variety of these unique, relative representations reflects the total Absolute Nature and Structure of the Most High's Absolute Mind. Because of such an arrangement every sentient entity, through its own subjective center, is connected to, related to and dependent upon each and every other sentient entity, regardless in what dimension, universe, solar system, planet, time line, paratime, or space line such a sentient entity is momentarily situated.
On the other hand, because all external forms and environments derive their being and existence from the ideas, concepts, categories, thoughts, principles and images of the sentient mind, all these forms and environments are connected to, related to and are dependent upon the sentient mind through, by and from their own singular objects which are centrally located in their respective regions.
From this stems a very important metaphysical rule: all laws and principles that rule and govern their respective dimensions, universes, galaxies, solar systems, planets and various bodies, are subject to control, manipulation, rearrangement, cancellation, re-establishment, re-creation, recombination, or whatever one has, by the sentient mind. To repeat the statement from "Fundamentals of Human Spirituality," environments and external forms are for sentient entities; sentient entities are not for their respective environments and forms. Therefore, sentient entities design, designate and control all laws and principles which rule and govern their respective universes.
The above described nature and structure of Creation and the inter- and intraconnectedness and relatedness of everything and everyone to everything and everyone is valid and applicable only within the sphere of the true Creation and the reality of its being and existence. As pointed out above, each region of Creation has its own laws and principles that are applicable and valid only within their own domain. However, they are connected to and derive from the more general and more universal laws and principles that supersede all those down the line of succession.
As mentioned previously, none of these laws, principles, concepts, ideas, thoughts, images and manifestations have any validity and applicability in the Zones of Displacement. The concept of these Zones was described in the first chapter of this booklet.
Whatever occurs, proceeds and becomes in the Zones of Displacement is the result of distortions, perversions, inversions, mutilations and denials of all laws, principles, concepts, ideas, categories and images that govern and rule the real Creation. The point here is to realize again and again that no initial, genuine and originating creative effort is possible in the Zones of Displacement because their structure and nature is comprised of fallout and waste which is being continuously expulsed from the true Creation as a result of the constant awareness of the choice of all sentient entities to reject, to deny or to distort the above described spiritual structure and nature of Creation and its Creator. No genuine and original creative accomplishment is possible from the "principles" and "laws" of the fallout and waste. Thus, all strivings, endeavors and efforts of these Zones of Displacement are directed toward futile attempts to prove that this waste and fallout is the only reality, the true life and the only laws and principles in the universe. All else is either an aberration, an exception from the rule, or only an illusion that has no tangible reality. These are the upside-down pseudo-principles and pseudolaws that rule and govern the Zones of Displacement in their activated and inhabited spheres. Yet these pseudo-laws and pseudo-principles, being the opposite of the real and true laws and principles, live off of and are possible only because of the existence of the true spiritual reality of Creation. Any anti-laws, anti-principles, anti-spirituality, anti-mentality, anti-matter, anti-particle, etc., are possible only because of the being and existence of the true laws, true principles, true spirituality, true mentality, true matter, true particle, etc. The true reality is not dependent on nor derives from its anti-reality. However, antireality cannot be or exist or even occur in any form or mode without being and existence of the true reality.
Negation of reality is not a true reality. Otherwise there would be nothing to negate. Negation from nothingness cannot occur, proceed and become. In order to negate something, it is necessary first to postulate the true existence of that something before one could reasonably and logically negate it. To negate something that does not exist makes no sense, because no conceptualization or thought of negation can occur from non-existing and non-being.
Such a situation puts the entire Zone of Displacement in a peculiar, perverted and inverted absolute relatedness, connectedness and dependency on the being and existence of the positive state, the true Creation and all its spiritual principles. Since the Zones of Displacement live entirely off the real Creation, non-existence and non-being of the true Creation would also be non-existence and non-being of the Zones of Displacement. The perverted and inverted connectedness, relatedness and dependency of the Zone of Displacement upon the true Creation is unidirectional only. There is no interconnectedness, interrelatedness and interdependency between the Zones of Displacement and the true Creation. However, there is interconnectedness, interrelatedness and interdependency among all Zones of Displacement in the same manner as in the entire Creation, only in an inverted, perverted and upside-down manner.
The true Creation does not need for its survival, function and progression anything in or from the Zones of Displacement, whereas maintenance of any life forms and functions in the Zones of Displacement is entirely dependent on the fact of being and existence of the true Creation.
Since this is a unilateral connectedness and dependency, no direct access from the Zones of Displacement to the true Creation is possible. Therefore, nothing of real Creation is perceptible from these Zones. The principle here is that any awareness of, communication with and relationship of one state to another is possible only on mutual multilevel interconnectedness, interrelatedness and interdependency that goes simultaneously, synchronously and discretely among them au. One needs to acknowledge and to be acknowledged simultaneously first, in order to be able to relate, to apperceive and to recognize the being and existence of the other. Since everything in the Zones of Displacement is based on denial, rejection, distortion, inversion and perversion of the laws, principles and facts of the true Creation, no mutual interconnectedness can be established between them.
Thus, nothing of and from the true Creation can appear in its true form or content in the Zones of Displacement. In order to appear there in its original form and content, it would first have to be acknowledged, recognized and accepted for what it is. Since no such situation takes place there, no direct access from the Zone of Displacement to the true Creation is possible in any mode under presently existing conditions.
Another problem with the Zones of Displacement is that everything in it is in constant opposition to everything in the real Creation. This applies uniformly to everything in this Zone including its physical structure. Thus, for example, what scientists on Earth consider to be life, is not true life; what they consider to be matter, is not true matter; what they consider to be a true molecule, atom or particle, is not a true molecule, atom or particle. Instead they are displaced elements, or waste and fallout of the true elements and life. Thus, for example, the dead antimatter is considered to be the source of life. Such consideration leads to the acceptance of death as life.
In the true reality of Creation everything is arranged in one universal order which flows from within to without; whereas in the Zone of Displacement everything goes in the dual opposite direction - from without to without, a without which is considered to be the "within," and the direction being from the without to the "within." But because there is nothing in the without by itself and in itself, the direction from without to this kind of "within" is an illusion of reality, and the direction from without to without is a distortion of the true reality.
Thus, whatever scientific conclusions about life, nature and the structure of the universe are reached in the Zones of Displacement, they are only falsities, illusions and distortions of what the true life and the true nature and structure of the Universe is. Since the scientists do not have any direct access to the true Creation, no valid, stable and reliable conclusions and knowledges are possible for them to acquire. What they do acquire are the laws, principles and arrangements that rule and govern the Zones of Displacement within their own sphere of pseudo-being and pseudo-existence only. These, then, they consider to be a true picture of the Universe and life. The scientific position in the Zone of Displacement, by the nature of such a Zone, is possible only from externals to externals or from without to without. Thus, most scientific conclusions are derived from the external observations only.
Such is a peculiarity of the Zones of Displacement. Everything in them is directed towards externals, outward and without. In order to oppose the true reality of Creation and its spiritual principles, it was necessary to establish throughout the Zones of Displacement a different set of rules, laws and principles that would govern and rule these Zones on an entirely different basis than in the true Creation. Otherwise, no opposition to the true Creation could occur. This necessity was not limited solely to the structural changes in the physical forms of the Zones of Displacement but also in those which originated in that Zone. The pseudo-creators, who started this process, needed to restructure and rebuild both the physical pseudo-universes, with their singular, centrally located objects, which later scientists would call black holes, but, most importantly, they needed to restructure, through genetic manipulation, all life forms of the prospective activated Zones of Displacement. Whatever is produced in the Zones of Displacement must be accommodated to the principles and laws that rule and govern these Zones, otherwise no one could survive there. Since everything in these Zones goes in the direction from without to "within" to without, it was necessary to structure the future human mind for these Zones in such a manner as to align it to the structure of these Zones. This structure is the exact opposite to the structure of the human mind in the true Creation.
In the true Creation the Inner Mind of any sentient entity is in the center, a center from which one governs and rules one's universe and life through the interior and external mind respectively. In the Zones of Displacement the external mind is in the dominant and ruling position and all else is either denied as nonexistent or is in a subservient position. Thus, any ruling and governing in the Zones of Displacement are from, by and in externals. This is a unilateral direction of ruling that requires a special arrangement, not existing in the real Creation. This situation also required restructuring of the human brain. It was necessary to split one brain into two halves and cross the neural paths going into the brain so that the left part of the body is ruled by the right hemisphere and the right part of the body is ruled by the left hemisphere. This arrangement reflects the inverted and perverted order of the Zones of Displacement. However, most importantly, it enables a separation of any internal perceptions and experiences from any external ones, putting emphasis entirely on an external mode of life and one-sided preference of the brain function - dominant versus non-dominant hemisphere. In this arrangement, one hemisphere would be overloaded and the other underutilized. Thus, imbalance and distortion of the true reality would be assured even in the external form of life. And since everything in these Zones is based on these kinds of externals, nothing but distortion of reality would be accepted.
A good example of this special arrangement in the Zones of Displacement can be found in the way people on Earth communicate with each other. This communication, of course, can be only from externals to externals since this is the basic rule and law of the Zone. No direct communication from internals to internals is possible there. In order that such a communication (from externals to externals) would be possible, it was necessary to restructure the external form of people of the Zone and to fabricate the vocal chords so that external speech could come to its fruition. This way people's communication with each other depends entirely on, and is limited to this external box, rather than being dependent on their internal thoughts, ideas, concepts, image projections, etc. Such a situation, of course, leads to a peculiar deceptive mode of pseudo-existence and pseudo-being (impossible in the true Creation), where one is able to think the exact opposite of what one says. This is one of the major reasons why no true and genuine relationships and true marriages are possible in the Zones of Displacement.
In the true Creation one does not need vocal chords for communication because all communication here takes place from within to within and from internals to internals. One's thoughts, ideas, concepts, images, etc., if directed to one or more particular persons, are received and sound clearly in the other's mind or minds simultaneously with the directional projection. In such a situation it is not only impossible but entirely inconceivable for anyone in the true Creation to send anything that would not be original, genuine and truthful. Nothing of the deceptive mode can be transmitted and/or received here.
Another example of the inverted conceptualizations of the Zones of Displacement and their scientists can be found in the ways the scientists perceive, understand and describe life. Again, they describe it from externals to externals. They observe an external form of life, in this particular case a human body. From the function of this external form of life they conclude that life is the functions of that body. No other factors are taken into consideration. They cannot consider them because it would be in violation of the laws and principles that rule and govern the Zones of Displacement. In order to take into consideration other than external factors, the scientists would have to violate these laws and develop a methodology that would enable them to go to within from within.
Now, from such an external position and observation, a devastatingly false conclusion is made that life is a product of and is possible and limited only to the protein-carbon-oxygen-etc., types of elements, that by their various combinations give an impetus for starting the evolution of various life forms and species. Since this is, in fact, the arrangement of the external forms of life on Earth, according to the scientists no other life than bodily life exists. Therefore, any other condition or environment in the Universe than one found on Earth, could not sustain any life. This is an inevitable conclusion that comes about from the stance of externals. Yet, in fact, no life in bodily form exists by itself and in itself. The true life is not dependent on nor derives from any combination of any elements of any environments or any external conditions. One can live in one's spiritual essence and substance at any place, time, condition and situation in the entire being and existence regardless of the structure and nature of such a situation, without any dependency on one's external environment and body. The truth of the matter is that sentient life, by its free choice, builds its external forms of manifestation from any elements of Creation it desires.
The sentient life takes into consideration various elements, chooses the ones most suitable for its free choice and combines them in such a manner as to project itself into a physical form. Thus, in this particular case, life did not originate from the combination of protein-carbon-oxygen-etc. elements, but life developed these elements from its Inner Mind's Ideas and built itself an outward physical form for its external expression and impression, and for certain important universal learning. When it fulfills its purpose, being in that particular form, life simply disengages itself from that particular external form and develops another external form somewhere and somewhen else, where and when it is most needed and suitable for any particular situation that occurs in the hierarchy of the Most High's spiritual organization.
Another example of the limitations of the externals to externals approach, that governs and rules the Zones of Displacement, is how the scientists conceptualize speed or velocity. They limit their universe to the speed of light, not able to imagine or to conceptualize anything above the speed of light on one side, and on the other side no speed is conceptualized beyond the point which they consider to be no-motion or zero-motion. Yet such a situation does not exist in the reality of the true Creation. It can be conceptualized only in the Zones of Displacement, where people are limited by their outward structure to certain boundaries, not allowing them to measure or to understand anything which is outside of those imposed boundaries. The imposition of these boundaries is from the negative state. It is also the protection of the rest of the Creation from contamination or influence of the negative state.
Modern theoretical physicists are starting to change this false concept (under the influence of the spiritual reawakening). Recently they postulated a possibility of the existence of a theoretical subparticle called "tachyon," which presumably is located in the area of velocity above the speed of light. Now, they do not know for sure whether such a subparticle exists or not but some of them wisely suspect that it does. This "hypothetical" tachyon moves faster than the speed of light. In fact, for this subparticle the speed of light is the slowest possible speed, almost standstill. It just starts to warm up, so to speak, at the speed of light and to move towards its own maximum speed or its own "speed of something" which is the limit of its own universe.
Thus one can safely and correctly conceptualize and postulate the existence and being of the sentient entities and their universes, galaxies, solar systems, planets and other celestial bodies, that are placed and situated in the condition which exceeds the speed of light as understood and described by the Earth's scientists. But the same is true in the other direction. What is for humans on Earth a standstill motion, or no motion at all, can be the ultimate "speed of light" for the universes that lay below that which is zero-motion for people on Earth. This goes, of course, ad infinitum in both directions to reflect the Absolute Nature of the Most High, whose nature is not limited by anything in any sense.
Such notions, for example, as "speed of light," "zeromotion" and similar ideas, are applicable and valid only in the outward externals of being and existence. Everything in the Zones of Displacement is governed and ruled by such an external perception-from without to without-and it is very difficult, if not impossible, for people in those Zones, to conceptualize anything different from what they see, hear, sense and perceive by their externals. In the internal processes, where the true and real universe and Creation are placed, no such laws, concepts, principles as the "speed of light," etc., are either valid or applicable. Here there is only "speed" of thought or idea which is not limited by any physical speed or barriers but by a degree of receptivity and perceptibility of a receiver of such thoughts and by their sender. The more clear, logical, understandable or intense the projected thought, image, feeling or experience is, the more immediate its perception, reception, understanding, assimilation and feedback is, provided that the receptor of such a unit is totally and completely tuned in and creates a favorable condition within oneself for this reception.
These are the laws and principles that govern and rule the real Creation. They are based on internal states, processes and conditions which are multidirectional from within to within and from within to without with constant feedback of experiences from without to within.
In view of the above-described metaphysical concepts, it would be advisable to formulate and summarize the following principles of spiritual metaphysics.
There is One Absolute Singular Object in an absolute state, process and condition which is the Absolute Center of everything in being and existence.
This Absolute Singular Object is located apart from the time and space continuum but is ever present in every place and in every time without being dependent in Its being and existence on anything spatial-temporal in nature. This Absolute Singular Object is the Absolute Source of all beings and existences from eternity to eternity. By its Absolute Nature, this Absolute Source is pure Absolute Consciousness and Absolute Awareness which is in a state and process of continuous creation from its Absolute Principles of Love and Wisdom and their absolute derivatives. The entire Creation from the innermost to the outermost and from the highest to the lowest is a reflection of the Nature of the Absolutely Conscious Absolute Source, and is relative to this Absolute condition.
Therefore, one can conceptualize the entire Creation as being in an ultimate sense pure consciousness and thought process. Thus, whatever exists exists as a consequence and outcome of such a consciousness and thought process and is, therefore, the result of activities of the elements of this consciousness and thought processes.
This principle applies without any exception or exclusion within the entire Creation, including the physical dimension. Thus, all physical matter, atomic and subatomic particles,
are nothing else but concentrated energies which are emanated and radiated from the constant and continuous activities of consciousness and thought processes.
Scientists on Earth correctly noticed certain peculiarities of the electrons and other particles that led them to believe that the electrons behave in a manner which implies that each electron has free will. To have free will implies to be conscious. No free will is possible without awareness and consciousness.
Of course, it is not the electron or any other particle that has free will and is conscious by itself and in itself, but instead it is the content of such a particle which is free and conscious. The point here is that each particle is a special carrier and reflector of specific subelements of the consciousness and thought processes which are encapsulated in the external form of a particular particle. Such a subelement with its formal carrier is a precise and perfect correspondence to its Absolute subelement and its Absolute Carrier in the Absolute Source from which it derives, in an ultimate sense, its being and existence. Since this Absolute Source is pure Absolute Consciousness and Absolute Thought Process, whatever is derived from such a condition must and can be only of pure consciousness, thought process and respective conscious and aware energies. Hence, electrons have "free will."
Because in the Absolute Source there is an Absolute Number of infinite numbers and variety of elements, subelements, particles, subparticles, states and processes of the Absolute Pure Consciousness and Absolute Pure Thought Processes, there is, therefore, an infinite number and variety of particles and subparticles in Creation which are in a corresponding position to their ultimate Absolute Source.
As continuous production and creation of various ideas, concepts, thoughts, categories, principles, images, etc., takes place in the Absolute Source and Its Absolute Consciousness, continuous rearrangements, interactions, combinations, additions, etc., of all elements and subelements of this Absolute Consciousness are accomplished. Corresponding to this situation, activities take place in all energies that are released as a result of these Absolute Activities, and from them stem the corresponding activities in all particles and subparticles that conscious energies build for themselves as their own carriers and external forms.
Because they are in a precise and perfect correspondence to their Absolute Eternal Activities in the Absolute Source and its Absolute Consciousness and Thought Process, they tend to arrange, interact, combine, add, delete or rearrange themselves, etc., into various, corresponding to their Source, clusters that result in appearances of various dimensions and their respective infinite number and variety of universes, galaxies, solar systems, planets and other celestial bodies, which are comprised of such particles and subparticles. In their totality and in their particulars, these particles and subparticles are the correspondences of their Absolute counterparts.
Since the Absolute Source is an Absolute totality, unity, oneness and harmony of all Absolute Elements and Subelements of its Absolute Pure Consciousness and Absolute Thought Process, all particles, elements, subelements and subparticles are interconnected, interrelated and interdependent, both within the Absolute Source and in the entire Creation, as well as connected, related and dependent upon their Absolute Source.
Thus the entire Creation is a unity, oneness and harmony of the whole as a replica of the Absolute unity, oneness and harmony of the Absolute Source Who is the Absolute Center of the entire Creation from Whom this Creation continuously and constantly occurs, proceeds and becomes.
There are singular objects in the center of each dimension as a whole; in the center of each universe as a whole; in the center of each galaxy as a whole; in the center of each solar system as a whole; and in the center of each planet as a whole. These singular objects are interconnected, interrelated to and interdependent upon each other and are connected, related to and dependent upon the Absolute Singular Object which is the Absolute Center and Source of the entire Creation in the totality of its being and existence.
These singular objects through their inter- and intraconnectedness and relatedness to each other and through connectedness, relatedness to and dependency on their Absolute Source maintain the entire Creation in the state and process of constant balancing and equilibrium by and through continuous redistribution, rearrangement, re-creation, addition, etc., of spiritual energies and their outward forms and carriers. The forms and carriers of these spiritual conscious energies can be of spiritual nature, of mental nature or physical nature. Regardless of what nature they are, their content is always spiritual because it is conscious and self-aware, deriving from the Absolute State and Process of the Absolute Consciousness. No consciousness other than a spiritual one can be and exist. Whatever other aspects or elements of consciousness are manifested at each particular time and/or place, they always derive from and are dependent upon their central total consciousness which is always spiritual.
The external form and carrier of consciousness can be of any nature. The internal state and process of consciousness, however, can be only spiritual, since everything in Creation proceeds from within to without, that is from spiritual through mental into physical or natural. This is the order of Creation.
In this sense, one can conceptualize any dimension, universe, galaxy, solar system, planet and body as being spiritual, conscious and aware entities manifested, actualized and realized in different external forms. These external forms are changeable, modifiable, fluid and replacable as needed, when needed and where needed. The laws and principles of consciousness supersede any laws and principles of externally manifested outward forms. Therefore, rearrangement of any external forms is possible at will by the spiritual consciousness.
The Absolute Center of the entire Creation, being the Absolute Pure Consciousness and Absolute Thought Process, is correctly conceptualized as the One Absolute Sentient Entity which is Absolutely Self-Aware, Self-Conceptualized, SelfApperceptive, Self-Imaging and Self-Knowledgable. This Absolutely One Absolute Sentient Entity is the only Absolute Reality. All other realities and their various infinite number and variety of forms derive from this Absolute Reality. For the purpose of this discourse It is called the Most High. Since the Most High is the only Absolute Entity that has reality in Itself and by Itself, any sentient entity can be and is real only from the Absolute Reality of the Most High.
The reality of any sentient entity's being and existence relates to, is connected to and depends upon the Absolute Reality of the Most High's Absolute Being and Existence.
Since any sentient entity is relative to the Absolute Sentient Entity-the Most High-it is an extension and process of a certain unique element, particle or subparticle or subelement of the Most High's Absolute Sentient Nature. The total cumulative sum of all infinite number and variety of sentient entities in being and existence from eternity to eternity carries and corresponds, in a relative condition, to all Absolute Number and Variety of Elements of the Most High's Absolute Nature.
Because of this position, all sentient entities in being and existence, without any exception or exclusion, being the carriers, extensions and processes of unique and different attributes of the Most High's Absolute Nature in a relative condition, must be and are interconnected, interrelated and interdependent, comprising one spirit, one mentality and one body of Creation which is the exact replica and correspondence of the Most High's Absolute Nature in the relative condition.
Now, since the only reality in being and existence is the Absolute Reality of the Most High's Being and Existence, as an Absolute Sentient Entity, and since all sentient entities are images and likenesses of the Absolute Most High in the relative condition, all other realities, which surround sentient entities, derive from the reality of the sentient entities being and existence.
In other words, whatever exists exists only because of being and existence of consciousness and thought processes of the sentient minds. In this sense, only the sentient mind is real because it derives from the Absolute Reality of the Absolute Sentient Mind of the Most High. All else derives its reality from the sentient mind.
Thus, if one were to withdraw any thoughts, ideas, consciousness or sentiency in general from a dimension, universe, galaxy, solar system, planet, matter, particle, etc., they would instantaneously wink out of existence and cease to be and to exist. The reason is that continuous thought processes and activities of the sentient minds emanate and radiate conscious energies that encapsulate themselves in the external forms of particles, elements, etc.; these elements and particles originate from their ideas in the sentient mind. If one would suddenly stop these activities of the sentient minds, all emanation and radiation of spiritual and other energies would stop. Since the external forms of such energies originate from and are maintained together by their content, no recharge of that content, which is pure thought energy, would take place and the remaining energy would discharge itself into its primal essence within the Most High. In the moment of such a discharge, the external form of the universe or any particle would become instantaneously non-existent.
As mentioned previously, the being and existence of sentient mind does not depend in any way on time, space, place, distance, outward external form, etc. Therefore, to physical particles and matter it does not matter where or when sentient minds are and exist. What matters to them is continuous activities of sentient minds at any place or at any time, activities which produce enough spiritual energies for recharge of the content of such particles of matter and for maintenance of their being and existence.
This principle and law is valid and applicable for one singular particle as well as for the entire singular object, planet, solar system, galaxy, universe or entire dimension. And because all sentient minds in being and existence derive their reality from the Absolute Reality of being and existence of the Most High, all beings and existences, in the ultimate sense, derive from the Most High and they can be and exist only because the Most High Is and Exists.
Any other conceptualization of the structure and nature of Creation and Life is a total futility and grandiose deception and self-deception.
The above formulated three principles of spiritual metaphysics indicate clearly that everything in Creation is governed and ruled from the center to the circumference or from within to without. They also indicate that there are singular, centrally located objects in Creation, both in a global sense and in the regional or local sense.
The structure of the external form of Creation is derived from the internal nature of the sentient mind. Therefore this principle and law of governing and ruling from within to without is applicable and valid to any sentient entity as well as to any society, nation or the entire inhabitants of one planet, one solar system, one galaxy, one universe, one dimension or all their totality as one Creation.
Thus, every sentient entity has a singular center within its sentient mind. This center can be considered the innermost within of any sentient entity, from which one rules and governs one's own private universe by the laws and principles formulated, established and activated in that innermost within. This singular ultimate center of any sentient entity is called its Inner Mind. The innermost within of this Inner Mind is called Super-Self. The Inner Mind of any sentient entity, by its position, is connected and related to any other sentient entity's Inner Mind and the innermost within of the Inner Mind-the Super-Self is connected to and relates directly to its Absolute Source-the Most High. Because this Super-Self of every sentient entity derives directly from the Absolute "I AM" of the Most High, it is the seat of the Most High in any sentient entity. In it the Most High is everpresent. From this presence any sentient entity has life and lives.
The Inner Mind of any sentient entity is also connected directly to all other singular objects that are in the centers of their localities and spheres of influence. Through such a connectedness, the spiritual laws and principles of the Inner Mind establish the natural laws and principles which rule and govern their respective localities or globalities, whichever the case may be. In the case of globality, the global Inner Mind of all sentient entities is connected and relates to the global singular object which is in charge of one particular dimension or the entire Creation.
Thus, everything in Creation is interconnected, interrelated and interdependent on everything else through, by and from such centers and innermost withins. In the ultimate sense they are all connected to the Absolute Center and its Absolute Innermost Within-to the Most High-comprising unity, oneness and harmony of the entire Creation.
The structure of the entire Creation can be conceptualized in the following manner.
Basically, there are three global dimensions. They correspond to and derive from the three levels of the Absolute Source or Absolute Sentient Mind.
The first dimension is the internal or spiritual dimension that derives from and corresponds to the Absolute Spiritual Internal of the Most High. This dimension consists of the infinite number and variety of spiritual universes and their infinite number and variety of galaxies, solar systems, planets and celestial bodies.
The second dimension is the intermediate or mental dimension which derives and corresponds to the Absolute Mental-Intermediate of the Most High. This dimension also consists of the infinite number and variety of the intermediate universes and their infinite number and variety of intermediate galaxies, solar systems, planets and other celestial bodies.
The third dimension is the external or physical/ natural dimension that derives from and corresponds to the Absolute Physical-External of the Most High. This dimension consists also of an infinite number and variety of universes and their respective infinite number and variety of galaxies, solar systems, planets and celestial bodies.
Together, these three dimensions comprise one entire Creation that appears in the form of one sentient entity, relative to One Absolute Sentient Entity-the Most High, from Whom this sentient entity derives its structure and nature and to Whom it corresponds in all respects.
Thus, from this structure and nature one can see again and again how everything in the entire Creation is interconnected, interrelated and interdependent.
Each of these three dimensions is structured, in turn, into its own three subdimensions-the internal, the intermediate and the external. Each of these three subdimensions is, in turn, structured into its own three degrees-internal, interior and external. Each of these three degrees is, in turn, structured into its own three subdegrees-internal, interior and external; and this goes on and on in all dimensions ad infinitum.
Now, every internal degree is a center of its own sphere and is connected, related to and derives from the internal degree of its preceding level, all the way inward to the global internal-spiritual dimension.
Each intermediate degree is connected to, relates to and derives from the intermediate degree of its preceding intermediate level, and through its own internal center to all other internal centers, all the way to the global intermediate-mental dimension and internal-spiritual dimension.
Similarly, each external degree is connected to, relates to and derives from the external degree of its preceding external level, and through its own internal and intermediate centers, to all other internal and intermediate centers, all the way to the global centers of the external-physical dimension, intermediate-mental dimension and internal-spiritual dimension.
Thus, the entire circle of Creation is completed and stands as a perfect replica of the Absolute Source-the Most High from Whom it derives this structure and interconnectedness and to Whom it corresponds in all respects.
Interdimensional connectedness and relatedness is determined by the principles and laws of correspondences. These laws and principles state that any occurrences originate and are initiated in the innermost-spiritual dimension and have immediate synchronous and simultaneous impact, consequence and outcome in the proceeding of the intermediate-mental dimension and in the becoming of the external-physical or natural dimension. At the same time such occurrences have a circular flow within each dimension in a continuous and successive mode until they are received and acted upon by all levels, degrees, steps and aspects within each dimension. By and through the singular centers of dimensional regions there is a continuous feedback of how such occurrences are proceeding and becoming and how they are received, acted upon, experienced and furthermore developed. This feedback from all existing centers of singularities, no matter how local or global they might be, is a synchronous and simultaneous occurrence and at the same time it is circular and continuous within each dimensional globality and among all its singular localities.
Thus, there is a continuous flow and a discrete occurrence of information of how things are at any given state and process of synchronicity, and at any given moment of continuity to the minute details of all experiences, reactions and behaviors from all globalities, localities and singularities.
Such information is received, perceived and incorporated instantaneously by the ultimate center of the entire Creation, which is directly connected to the Absolute Center or Absolute Source of all and everything-the Most High. Having such a direct and immediate connection and relation to the Most High, the ultimate center of the entire Creation releases to the Most High in a moment of non-time and non-space all information, experiences and states of affairs that are occurring, proceeding and becoming in all times, in all spaces, in all synchronicities, in all simultaneities, as well as in all globalities, localities and singularities to a single subparticle. Thus, the Most High knows virtually in synchronicity every single detail that happens to anyone and anything in the entire Creation, no matter how global, or local, or singular or individual it is-all the way down to the simple subparticle and its content.
Through such a process the Most High governs and rules the entire Creation as well as every single entity anywhere and anywhen in being and existence. This process of governing and ruling the entire Creation by the Most High can be conceptualized as the Absolute Divine Providence of the Most High. And since the Divine Providence operates from a non-time and a non-space condition, It foresees all events and occurrences everywhere and everywhen and, accordingly, provides necessary arrangements and conditions for their realization and actualization in a time-space continuum and in all the non-time and non-space states and processes.
Every single sentient entity is its own dimension. Being its own dimension, the sentient entity is in a precise and perfect correspondence to the global dimension. The laws and principles of correspondences, as formulated in principle Number 6, are, therefore, fully valid and applicable to every sentient entity and its relatedness to all else in the entire Creation. Through its own ultimate singular center-the Inner Mind-a sentient entity is connected to any other sentient entity in its own dimension in a continuous and circular manner and to its counterpart, and through those very counterparts, to all others in the two other dimensions, all the way to the ultimate center-the ultimate Inner Mind of the entire Creation and, in the ultimate sense, to the Most High. Because the Inner Mind of any sentient entity is built from the elements of the Absolute Source-the Most High-the Most High is everpresent in every singular Inner Mind or any sentient entity as in His/ Her own Being. The principle here is that each and every element is a part of the totality. The totality is present in its entirety in each and every of its elements. Therefore, the Most High is present in His/ Her fullness, in each and every element no matter into what conglomeration such an element is incorporated.
Thus, every sentient entity has a constant and permanent direct access to the Most High within oneself. In fact, without such a direct access, no sentient entity could be and exist regardless of whether or not a sentient entity utilizes such a direct contact for communication or any other reasons. The reason for this is that any flow of life is possible only from the Absolute Source of Life- the Most High Who is Life in Himself/ Herself and by Herself/ Himself. No one can, therefore, produce life by oneself or in oneself but only from, by and through the Most High. Hence, the logical necessity for eternal presence of the Most High in everyone's Inner Mind.
Due to this kind of arrangement and structure, every sentient entity in its Inner Mind has all the information about the entire Creation from the presence of the Most High in the Inner Mind, regardless of time and space. Thus, every sentient entity knows potentially what is happening at any place, time line, space line, condition, state, location, etc., in the entire Creation.
It is said that every sentient entity knows "potentially." This statement signifies that such knowledge is not available to a sentient entity in actuality because no sentient entity is absolute. Only the Absolute Sentient Entity has the actual full knowledge of everything and everyone. The relative condition of any sentient entity to the Absolute Most High puts the sentient entity in a position of availability of any knowledge that is needed and necessary for any particular sentient entity to have at any particular moment of its being and existence. When the need for such knowledge arises, the sentient entity turns itself directly to the Most High in its Inner Mind and receives the needed and necessary knowledge and information. What happens here is that in the presence of the Most High within every sentient entity's Inner Mind, all knowledge and information are always present and available in their totality and in all their minute details. But they are released to the awareness of any sentient entity only when needed, where needed and to the extent they are needed. If all absolute knowledge and information would be released in their totality to any sentient entity in a moment of time, the sentient entity would instantly perish because of its relative nature. To give absolute knowledge to someone relative means to kill that someone. For that reason all information and knowledge that is available in one's Inner Mind in its totality from the presence of the Most High, is released gradually, in progressive steps, in accordance with everyone's chosen destiny and the pace of one's spiritual progression.
There is a permanent, constant and eternal presence of the Most High in everyone's Inner Mind. Through, by and from that presence everyone is connected to, related to and communicates with everyone else in the entire Creation. One may or may not be conscious of this fact from the position of one's external mind. (This statement is valid mostly for the inhabitants of the Zones of Displacement who have developed unconscious processes and most of their lives are unconscious and in ignorance due to activation of the negative state.)
There is a multidirectional and unidirectional level and degree of interconnectedness, interrelatedness and intercommunicativeness of all and everything in Creation.
The multidirectional mode is always discrete, synchronous, simultaneous and threefold. This mode is possible only by means of the following correspondences: first, the process of occurrence, which is the state and condition of the spiritualinternal dimension; second, the process of proceeding of such occurrences, which is the state and condition of the intermediatemental dimension; and third, the process of becoming of proceedings of such occurrences, which is the state and condition of the external-physical dimension; and including all feedbacks of reception, perception, reactions and experiences. This type of interconnectedness, interrelatedness and intercommunicativeness is not dependent on the time-space continuum but is of the non-time and non-space nature. It bypasses any local laws and principles that rule and govern each region. These are the socalled non-local connections.
On the other hand, the unidirectional mode is always continuous, non-discrete, successive and local, and is subject to local laws and principles. It flows from the highest to the lowest, from the more to the less, from the general to the singular and from the grossest to the infinitely fine. The interconnectedness and interrelatedness of such flow is obvious and, therefore, does not require any comment. This mode is dependent on spatial-temporal categories of Creation.
All dimensions, separately and in their togetherness, can be conceptualized as having their own degrees. Thus, the spiritual dimension has its own spiritual-spiritual degree, spiritual-mental degree and spiritual-physical degree. The intermediate dimension has its own intermediate-spiritual degree, intermediate-intermediate degree and intermediate-physical degree. The physical dimension has its own external-spiritual degree, external-intermediate degree and external-physical degree.
Each dimension and each degree within a dimension is governed and ruled by a set of laws and principles that are valid and applicable only locally within each degree and within each dimension. No intervention or transfer from one dimension into another by the local laws and principles is possible. If looked upon each other through the local laws and principles, they will not be discernible and comprehensible to each other.
However, there is a set of laws and principles that transcends all local and dimensional laws and principles. This set bridges and unifies all dimensions and their degrees. This set is placed within the centrally located singular objects through, by and from which one can communicate with all others and all others can communicate with that one by all modes of communication in being and existence regardless of time and space.
In order to activate those types of laws and principles, one must be able to disassociate oneself for the moment and relinguish all laws and principles by which one is governed and ruled in one's locality. Such an ability to do so is inherent in all singularities through the possession of an individualized centrally located object which is connected to all other central objects, or in the case of sentient entities, through the possession of the Inner Mind within them, which is connected to all other Inner Minds in being and existence. The Inner Mind of every individual is not subject to the laws and principles of any locality. Instead, it is subject to the laws and principles which rule and govern Creation as a whole, as a totality of its being and existence. These kinds of laws and principles supersede all other laws and principles in being and existence.
There is a continuous motion of the entire Creation toward its infinite expansion to within and to without simultaneously. This principle derives from the Absolute Nature of the Most High. Because Creation was created from this Absolute Nature in a relative position to It, it is motivated by its being and existence to be like its Creator. But because it originated from the Absolute State and Condition, it cannot be absolute or its own creator. The lack of such a state is compensated by the process of constantly coming closer and closer to such an absolute state. This is the Creation's principle of the infinite expansion inward and outward. The infinite expansion of Creation always proceeds in successive steps and not in a continuous mode. Thus when one step is reached, it remains until it exhausts its usefulness and purpose. The process of utilization and exhaustion of usefulness of each step takes place in a continuous mode. This means that within each particular step, a continuous progression takes place from the lesser knowledge and understanding of the content of that step toward the greater knowledge and understanding of the content of that step. When all knowledge and understanding are acquired from that step, that step comes to its end and a new step, built on the preceding step, comes into its being and existence.
This principle is valid in all dimensions and in all their degrees. In the most external degree of Creation, at the end of the preceding step and at the beginning of the next step, the entire external degree collapses and falls in on itself where it is prepared for the next progressive step of its being and existence.
Such a process of steps can be conceptualized as being cyclical from one cycle of non-time and time and non-space and space to another cycle of time and space and non-time and non-space.
In the discrete mode of being and existence such a process of steps can be conceptualized as being cyclical from one cycle of state and condition to another cycle of state and condition. This is its non-time and non-space cycle.
Each continuous and discrete cycle transcends, in all respects, the preceding cycle.
There is an interim state in between cycles during which a total evaluation of all knowledges and experiences, acquired within and during one cycle, takes place. This process is sometimes conceptualized by humans on Earth as the Last Judgment and the End of the World. When this evaluation is completed, all in Creation are prepared to commence the next transcending cycle. In the physical universes of the physical dimension the previously collapsed matter into the interim state is given a new thrust by the Most High, a thrust which gives a birth to the new universes that will transcend anything previously in being and existence.
In all other dimensions (non-matter), their respective universes are withdrawn to within for re-evaluation, modification, and updating. They are subsequently released with a new content and form congruent to the transcending understanding and knowledge relevant to the next cycle of spiritual progression which is coming into its being and existence.
This process goes on to eternity. The expansion of the Creation is actualized and realized entirely by this process. No other way of expansion is possible. In this manner Creation moves toward greater and greater approximation of the Absolute Nature of the Most High. This process is always initiated in the within and toward the within, toward the greater degree of inwardness, where the Most High resides, Who is Absolute Within. From it, the process of expansion to the without is derived in all external and formal containers as a reflection and correspondence of this internal spiritual progression. The point here is to realize that one can be "without" only from "within." Thus, any changes in the within are accompanied by simultaneous changes in the without; the without is accommodated by the within for its changes. In this manner the without is always expanded in accordance with an accomplished degree of spiritual progression of its within from which it derives all its being and existence.
The above described process in principle Number l0 is the result of the activities of sentient minds. The dimensional conditions, states and processes with all their singularities, localities and globalities reflect, respond to and are subject to the activities of the sentient minds. So, whatever is happening in sentient minds, molds, influences, rules, governs, modifies and determines what will happen in their external environments.
For this reason, all cycles of progression, reflected in the entire Creation, are cycles of progression of the sentient minds. They are the ones who are eternally motivated to approximate their Creator.
This principle of cycles and their progression applies, of course, fully to one singular mind, to the sentient minds of one society, of one mankind, of one nation, of one planet, of one solar system, of one galaxy, of one universe, of one dimension, and finally, of one entire Creation in its totality.
Thus, when one single sentient entity is ready to transcend its chosen step or personalized and individualized cycle, it withdraws to within for re-evaluation, examination, determination and judgment. In the moment of such a withdrawal, the external form of the external degree (such as, for example, physical body of humans), collapses and dies out, returning to its original elements where it is reabsorbed into its elemental stage. During this period of re-evaluation or judgment the sentient entity is in the interim state where it chooses, after its own internal judgment, the most appropriate transcending cycle for its individualized and personalized spiritual progression. Once the choice is made, the sentient entity assumes its place and position within the chosen cycle; from this place and position it acquires a new external form relevant for this particular cycle. Such a form is retained until this sentient entity is ready to make another step in its own spiritual progression. In the interim state, the sentient entity has an external form which is relevant to the state of judgment and re-evaluation.
Now, a similar process happens in the same exact manner to all sentient entities that comprise one nation, one state, one planet, one solar system, one galaxy, one universe, or all sentient entities within one dimension, or all sentient entities within the entire Creation.
Thus, one can distinguish such cycles of progression within one global cycle which relates to all sentient entities of the entire Creation or which relates to the sentient entities of one dimension, or of one universe, or of one galaxy, or of one solar system, or of one planet, or, finally, of one singular sentient entity. If one would measure the duration of such cycles in terms of time elements, used by humans on Earth, one would very crudely approximate one cycle for the sentient entities of the Entire Creation as lasting approximately one quintillion year or less, or what spiritually corresponds to the term "one quintillion year." (The understanding of this term is modified here as compared to the same term used in "Fundamentals of Human Spirituality." At the time of the writing of that book, this term was applied to the life of one universe. In the spiritual sense the entire Creation could be conceptualized as one Universe. However, during the writing of that book, the time was not yet ripe for the deeper understanding of this concept.) On the other hand, one cycle for one dimension lasts approximately one quadrillion year or less, or what spiritually corresponds to the term of "one quadrillion year." One cycle for one universe lasts approximately up to fifty billion years, or what spiritually corresponds to that number. One cycle for one galaxy lasts approximately up to thirty billion years or more, or what spiritually corresponds to this number. One cycle for one solar system lasts approximately up to ten billion years or more, or what spiritually corresponds to that number. One cycle for one planet lasts approximately several billion years, or what spiritually corresponds to that number. One cycle for one mankind on the planet lasts approximately several million years, or what spiritually corresponds to that number. One cycle for one nation lasts approximately several thousand years, or what spiritually corresponds to that number. One cycle for one society lasts approximately for several centuries, or what spiritually corresponds to that number. And, finally, one cycle for a singular sentient entity lasts approximately several decades or more, or what spiritually corresponds to that number.
Now, these time measurements are very crude and approximate and have a widespread variation from cycle to cycle. Factually, they can be much longer or much shorter depending on the quality and content of each current cycle. Some ideas which are manifested within any particular cycle require a much longer time to exhaust and utilize fully their usefulness and learning. Others do not require so much time. However, in dealing with the time elements, one has to remember that time categories are applicable only within the physical-external dimension. Everywhere else there is no objective time but rather conditions of states, processes and spiritual and mental affections. For that reason, time is subjective in such a manner that what can seem and feel for one as millions of years, for another it would seem and feel like a few hours.
To repeat again, these physical time elements are very crude, only gross and imprecise approximations of the state and process of each cycle regardless of whether a cycle relates to the entire Creation or to one singular sentient entity. What counts here is not time elements but the conditions of each state and process which take place within each cycle. Thus, the cycle lasts until it exhausts its usefulness at each degree of its occurrence. The present cycle, however, will last comparatively a much shorter time due to the activation of the negative state within this cycle. The promise was made by the Most High to the participants in the current cycle to considerably shorten its length.
Now, when, for example, the sentient entities of the whole planet, or the whole galaxy, or the whole universe, or the whole dimension, or the entire Creation are ready to transcend previously occupied cycles, they withdraw to within for their Last Judgment. During this interim period all their respective external environments collapse since they are maintained intact and in the continuous motion by the presence of the sentient mind in them. When the interim period is completed and the new choices are made, the collapsed external environment, which used to appear in the form of dimensions, universes, galaxies, solar systems, planets and bodies, are rearranged, rebuilt, recombined, restructured and redone into a higher order. This higher order will totally reflect and accommodate the transcending cycle of the spiritual progression which comes into being and existence. After all sentient minds complete this process, collapsed external environments, in their new rearranged, restructured, rebuilt, recombined and redone form, are given a new thrust by the Most High. For such a thrust the Most High utilizes all combined energies of all sentient entities in combination with His/ Her Absolute Energy, and a new cycle of Creation, which transcends everything previously in being and existence, comes to its fruition.
The Earth scientists label this process as a birth and death of the Universe. However, they are not able to see what was happening before the birth of such a universe, neither do they see or know what is going to happen after the so-called "death" of the universe.
In actuality things have been happening and will be happening from eternity to eternity along the line of the above described process.
The above described principles of spiritual metaphysics comprise the state of affairs within the real and true Creation. This is how things approximately happen here.
However, one can conceptualize some other temporary and transient anti-beings and anti-existences which are entirely displaced from the true and real Creation and its being and existence. The genesis of the occurrence of such a situation was described in the first chapter of this booklet.
For the purpose of the spiritual metaphysics one can assume that Creation is accompanied by Displaced Zones which are paralleling all dimensions and their respective universes, galaxies, solar systems and planets.
As mentioned previously, these Zones are the result of the awareness of all sentient entities in the entire Creation of existence of a free choice to reject, deny or distort all spiritual principles of the positive state and the Most High. The positive state is a true Creation. Such an awareness is sufficient to give appearance to the Zones of Displacement, where by-products of energies that are generated from the constant state of awareness of the opposing choice, which every sentient entity has, fall out and gather themselves into the forms of anti-being and antiexistence. Their purpose is to oppose the true being and existence. These Zones of Displacement are, in most instances, uninhabited and void of any sentient life. Only a very small region of them is activated by the inhabiting pseudo-sentient entities that used to be fully sentient, but who decided to experiment with the Zones by the actualization and realization of the opposite choice. In the moment of the initiation of this experiment they fell out into these Zones of Displacement and organized themselves into pseudosocieties that derive their "laws" and "principles" which govern and rule the anti-being and anti-existence.
Only a limited number and variety of sentient entities, in comparison with the infinite number and variety of them, decided by their free choice and free will become a part of such a set-up.
Thus, although the Zones of Displacement parallel any being and existence, they are in most instances inactive and uninhabited. Only a small region of them become an active perpetuator of anti-being, anti-existence and anti-life. These activated Zones of Displacement can be called the negative state, being comprised of the anti-being and anti-existence that became real because they were forced to become real by the will of certain sentient entities.
The activated Zones of Displacement do not have life in themselves and by themselves but they live off the stolen life from the true Creation and its fallouts. In this respect the inhabitants of these Zones, who vivify these Zones, can be justly called parasites of true life and its fallouts, a situation which gives them some semblance of life, rationality and sentiency.
But because the purpose of such Zones is to oppose everything that is of and from true life, whatever is concocted in these Zones is of a destructive, negative, evil and cataclysmic nature. They use life to destroy life. They use being and existence to destroy being and existence. Thus, in fact, they possess only anti-life, anti-being and anti-existence and live off and derive their origin from the fallouts of the true life, true being and existence. If no such fallouts would occur, they would have no food and drink for their survival.
The Zones of Displacement are the originators of all negative occurrences, happenings and events from the moment of their appearance to the moment of their disappearance. Nothing negative or adverse can ever be originated within the true Creation. For this reason nothing negative, bad, evil or adverse has any influence, impact on, or meaning to the true and real Creation. Whatever happens within the Zones of Displacement is reverberated through all Zones by and through their black holes, which can be considered their negative centers through which they are interconnected, interrelated and interdependent. The communications go on by the laws and principles of the negative correspondences: whatever positive is read out from the fallouts of the true Creation (by the principle of rejection: the fallouts and their content are rejected in the true Creation. Therefore, whatever is not in that rejected, fallout state, is positive and good because it is retained and creatively incorporated in the Creation, and, thus, it can be opposed by the negative state), it is instantly turned into its opposite and proclaimed to be a true principle of life. Thus all junk, garbage, trash, rubbish and waste are valued as the greatest commodities of all, priceless and necessary for maintenance and function of real life.
This is what the upside-down position is all about.
Because the activated and inhabited Zones of Displacement originated from the relativistic conditions, states and processes of the created sentient entities, they cannot have an eternal continuation in their active and inhabited mode. In order for the active negative state to be forever, it must derive from the Absolute Source-the Most High. Such a situation is impossible to occur. Therefore, the state and process of activation and inhabitance of the Zones of Displacement is possible only within one specific cycle of being and existence. Once this specific cycle comes to its end, and the new cycle is ready to commence as a succession to the previous one, all activated and inhabited Zones of Displacement will be deactivated and depopulated and the negative state will be washed out from the minds of those who first activated it.
In the interim state of the Last Judgment all participants and perpetuators of the negative state by their free will and free choice will be freed and liberated from the ignorance, limitations, insanity, blindness, pathology, unconscious processes and unrealness of the negative state, and presented with new choices from the true reality and true life of Creation. Because in the interim state one is free and cannot be influenced by anything negative, which is unfree, for the sake of objectivity, no one will want to choose again to activate the negative state.
This is one of the reasons why the negative state can only have a limited duration to one specific cycle of being and existence in Creation. During this cycle the negative state fulfills the purpose of its existence, exhausts completely its usefulness and allows the experience of life without spirituality. In addition, during this cycle the negative state takes away any freedom and independence in choice-making for those who volunteered to partake in it.
The important, vital and crucial point here is to realize that when sentient entities agreed to participate freely in the activation of the negative state in the Zones of Displacement, they also agreed upon and chose, by their free will, two essential conditions of such a choice: first, that all memories of that choice will be obliterated for the duration of the entire cycle of Creation, if necessary; second, that they will be liberated and freed from the negative state sometime during the duration of that specific cycle-a cycle which allowed the negative state to be activated for important spiritual reasons-or when this specific cycle fulfills its usefulness and is replaced with the new, transcending cycle.
To use the crude and imprecise terms of human time categories, no one in and from Creation agreed or volunteered to participate in the negative state longer than for one quintillion year, which is an approximate duration of one cycle of Creation. Of course, it does not mean that the negative state must be activated for the entire duration of this cycle. It means that it can, if the participants in it choose to do so. Since time has no relevance in the discrete mode of being and existence, one quintillion year can be condensed or expanded subjectively to one day or to the sense of eternity if necessary. (From such an ability and sense, people believe that one has to be in Hells through eternity, as the literal sense of the Bible indicates.) However, in the objective mode of being and existence, no one agreed by one's free will and free choice to exceed one's stay in the negative state longer than for one cycle of Creation.
Since this was the original choice, agreement and proclamation of all participants on such a venture, it is obvious that the negative state cannot exist forever, through eternity. Its being and existence forever, through eternity, would be in violation of the original agreement, choice and proclamation. The Most High cannot break His/Her own pacts.
Until this revelation, of course, no one in the Zones of Displacement knew about this situation. However, the activation of the Zones of Displacement is now coming to its end and the process has been initiated recently for the gradual total elimination of any activities and inhabitations of the Zones. This is in accordance with the promise that was made by the Most High at the initial step of their activation.
As a part of this process of elimination, the revelations are granted by the Most High about various matters pertinent to this situation, together with this revelation about the structure and nature of Creation, the transiency of the activation and inhabitation of the Zones of Displacement, and about the principles of the true spiritual metaphysics.
In conclusion, it is necessary to restate one of the most important and fundamental principles of all: whatever is revealed here is revealed as the next step for humans in the Earth development. It is for the first step of the New Age which is in the process of commencement. Therefore, the content and the understanding of this revelation is limited to the extent of comprehension which is available within that step. This means that there is a transcending understanding to all of this which is not available at this time or for this step. It will be revealed at the end of this step for the succeeding transcending step when people will be able and ready to understand it in that transcending manner. However, for this time the presently revealed knowledge is sufficient, correct, appropriate and exhaustive. Anything more than what has been revealed so far, under the present conditions of the human spiritual state of affairs, would be out of people's reach and, therefore, would make no sense to them.
This is all.”
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