On The Reasons For The Most High’s Incarnation On Planet

 Earth In The Form And Manifestation Of Jesus Christ



Content of „Major Ideas Of The New Revelation“, pg. 101 - 123, Chapter VIII.


Most practicing Christians on earth have some vague general idea who Jesus Christ is and why He incarnated on this planet. However, these ideas are either incomplete or totally distorted.


The most common belief that many Christians hold in this respect is that Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden broke the covenant, fell from the grace of their Creator and, by their sinful act, started a pandemonium of all evils and falsities which firmly established the dominance of the nega­tive state and initiated the being and existence of the hells. Now, the Creator, having compassion on humankind, sent his only begotten Son - Jesus Christ - to this world to take away people's sins by sacrificing His life on the cross for the sins of humankind and giving them an opportunity to be washed from their sins in the blood of Jesus Christ that He shed on the cross, and giving them an opportunity to be saved by the act of accepting Jesus Christ as Savior of humankind Who was able by this very act to appease the angry God, the Father.


These or similar conceptions about the mission of Jesus Christ on this earth are prevalent among many Christians. Yet, as Swedenborg already pointed out in his exquisite writ­ings, this was not one of the major reasons why the Most High incarnated on the planet Earth in the form of Jesus Christ.


Some of these true reasons were revealed through Swe­denborg and through the writings recorded in various books by this author.


In order to have a better understanding and clarity of what the major reasons for Jesus Christ's incarnation on this earth are, they will be summarized and revealed in the follow­ing points:



Before the negative state was permitted to be activat­ed and put into dominance in time and space, it was done so under the following conditions:


The Most High made a promise to all voluntary partici­pants in the negative state and to all who were fabricated from the ideas of the negative state, that He/She, Himself/ Herself would undergo a voluntary incarnation in time and space and be fully exposed to the negative state for the pur­pose of paving the way out of the negative state for everyone, becoming thus a Savior of all who got lost in the evil and falsities produced by the negative state.


As pointed out in some other books by the author, in order to make the negative state real (for the purpose of illus­tration of its true nature), it is necessary that someone wills it and identifies oneself with it. The negative state's being and existence, as everything else, derives from and depends upon someone's will and identification. Nothing can exist apart from the self-aware sentient mind. Thus, activation of the negative state depends solely on willful production, accept­ance, and identification with the development of a strong attachment toward it. Unless one develops deep love toward the negative state, it has very little chance for its manifestation and survival.


Thus, most participants in the negative state, particular­ly those who were fabricated from the ideas of pure negativ­ity, deeply love and adore either the entire negative state or some aspects of it. The extent of love for the negative state is determined by the extent of practicing or living what is nega­tive, evil and false. Such love repudiates any other form or condition of life.


Once anyone falls in love with the negative state, regard­less of what form and its manifestation, through the process of that loving, the negative state becomes the only feasible and possible source of one's life. From such a condition no perception of or need for or desire for any change or elimina­tion of the negative state from one's life can arise. In fact, under these conditions, to eliminate the negative state from one's life equals elimination of one's life.


This situation is the only one possible for activation of the negative state. All volunteers for the negative state, be­fore their agreement to become those volunteers, were aware of this extremely dangerous requirement and condition under which the negative state could be activated. Everybody real­ized not only the danger but the necessity to be lost from the positive state, to have no memories of any choices being made in this respect, or to be able to get out of the negative state by their own volition.


It is very obvious that it is totally impossible to get out of the negative state by one's own volition for the simple reason that the volition of any volunteer is to be negative. After all, this is what the volunteer volunteered for.


How can one get out of the negative state if one wills and loves the negative state, identifies oneself with it and con­siders it to be the source of one's life?


With this kind of situation and attitude one becomes completely and totally lost in the negative state without any desire or feasibility of getting out of it on one's own.


If this condition were allowed to persist, no one in the negative state would want to come out of it forever. This would mean that the negative state with all its atrocities and abominations would have to be and to exist forever to eter­nity. This would also mean that the negative state, without its restrictions, would eventually take over the entire Creation and the entire Creation, in an outward sense, would perish because the ultimate goal of the negative state is the destruc­tion of the entire Creation of the Most High.


For this reason it was necessary to make a promise by the Creator Himself/Herself that all volunteers and those who are fabricated from the ideas of the hells and those who be­came activators and perpetuators of the negative state, at one point in time and space, will be shown the way out of the negative state by a living and concrete example.


Such a mission and assignment - to show the way out of the negative state by a living and concrete example - is only possible to accomplish by someone who is Absolutely Posi­tive and doesn't contain any negativity or relativity. No one else but the Most High would be able to accomplish this mis­sion because no one else but the Most High is Absolutely Positive. To send someone into the negative state who is not Absolute but is relative and created, means to endanger that mission because from the position of relativity to the Abso­lute, the negative state was initiated and put into dominance. Thus, such an act of saving people from the negative state would only be relative and would not have an Absolute value. Thus, everyone in the negative state would ultimately attempt to revert back to the negative state.


To save people from the negative state can be logically initiated only from the state which is Absolutely Positive and cannot be contaminated by relativity from which the negative state originated. The state of initiation of something cannot be at the same time the state of elimination of that something because, in a relative condition, there is no motivation to give impetus for the elimination of something that is produced by that something.


Thus, in His/Her Absolute Love and Wisdom, compas­sion and empathy, having permitted the activation of the negative state for the sake of important spiritual learning, the Most High promised to volunteer Himself/Herself for this vital and important mission and to become the Savior of the entire Creation from the clutches and cancer of the negative state.


For that reason the Most High incarnated on planet Earth in the form of Jesus Christ in order to fulfill this im­portant, crucial and vital promise to His/Her Creation.



The original activators of the negative state, who were called the pseudo-creators, by the act of that activation, became indisputable and uncontested masters, lords and rulers of the negative state. Having an unusual vast knowl­edge of the principles of Creation and the positive state, they used that knowledge for gradually taking over the entire Creation. Step by step they succeeded in that effort to the point that they started to take over not only the Zone of Dis­placement, to which they originally fell out, but also the en­tire intermediate worlds and the first regions of the heavens. To accomplish this they needed somehow to persuade and convince the Most High Himself/Herself to surrender to them with a promise that they would put Him/Her in charge of everything that they were in control of up to that point. The whole issue of taking over, at the time of the incarnation of Jesus Christ on this planet, revolved around the tempta­tion of the Most High in the form of Jesus Christ to relin­quish His/Her position to the rulers of the negative state.


In order to put an end to the dominance of the pseudo-­creators, it was necessary for the Most High to allow such temptations to take place against Him. The reason for this permission lies in the fact that, unless one illustrates concrete­ly and experientially that the Absolute Positive state of the Most High cannot be seduced into yielding to the temptations of the negative state, no one else, from the position of the negative state can learn that it is not only possible but abso­lutely necessary to resist the temptations of the negative state. This situation is nicely reflected in the Gospel According to Matthew, Chapter 4, verses 1-11, and Luke, Chapter 4, verses 1-13.


However, the temptation of the Most High in His/Her Absolute State and condition of being Absolutely Positive by someone and something that, in itself and by itself, is relative and therefore, negative, is an impossibility. If such an at­tempt for the temptation would be permitted to take place, no one participating in that attempt to tempt the Most High would be able to survive for a fraction of a second. The pres­ence of the Absolute State, by its very nature, consumes with­out a trace all that which is not originated from Its Absolute Source. Whatever is not initially originated from the Abso­lute Source cannot survive the presence of the Absolute State. The Absolute State is all encompassing. Whatever is alien to that all encompassing Absolute State ceases to exist because it didn't come from the true Being and Existence.


This is one of the major reasons why the original activa­tors of the negative state, in the moment of its activation, were thrown out into the Zone of Displacement, or into that state of total separation from the Absolute Source. In the Zone of Displacement, at that time, there was no direct presence of the Absolute State of the Most High. The Most High's presence there was only relative in everyone's will to be negative.


But, in order to show people the way out of the Zone of Displacement and the negative state, it was necessary for the Absolute Positive State to enter the negative state and to be tempted by it in order to stop eternally this successful expan­sion of the pseudo-creators.


One has to remember that at the time of Jesus Christ's incarnation on this planet, the pseudo-creators and their negative state were not only in full control of the Zone of Displacement, but were also succeeding in taking over the heavens. Thus, the situation at that time was such that the negative state was prevailing and, as Swedenborg already pointed out, the balance, order and freedom of Creation was mortally endangered. And because restoration of the balance and order is possible only from the state of Absolute Balance and Absolute Order, it was necessary for the Most High, Himself/Herself, in the form of Jesus Christ, to incarnate on this planet, experience the physical hell, enter the hells of the pseudo-creators, gather them from the entire Creation, lock them up, isolate them from the rest of Creation, remove their dominance and direct influence on Creation, take away their position of uncontested ruling, bring everyone into order and balance, subjugate all the hells and put them all under His/ Her control.


At this point it is necessary to realize that, in order for the Most High to be able to enter the hells, without eternally annihilating everyone who was in the hells, it was necessary for Him/Her to assume a physical form, originally fabricated by the pseudo-creators, in which form He/She could be tempted by the pseudo-creators and which form could physi­cally die. This is the only way to enter the hells. Without tem­pering His/Her Glory, characterized by the Absolute State of the Most High, no one in the hells could survive His/Her presence. But because the Most High took His/Her human body, the original fabrication of the pseudo-creators, with Him, He/She was able to enter the hells in that which corre­sponds to the earthly physical body and accomplish His/Her mission without annihilating anyone in the process.


This is one of the major reasons why the Most High in the form of Jesus Christ volunteered to incarnate on the planet Earth.



At the time of Jesus Christ's incarnation on the planet Earth no one in the negative state possessed any appro­priate and correct knowledge of the ways and means of get­ting out of it. Not only that, no one, or only a very few, showed a desire to get out of the negative state. People pre­dominantly believed only in an earthly, material, corporeal type of life and for that reason they put all their efforts into prolonging their earthly life directly and indirectly through their posterities.


This situation was an outcome of the fact that, at that time, the negative state was uncontestedly prevailing and in full flourishing dominance on this planet.


Under those conditions people had no proper ideas of the true nature of the negative state, sins, evils, or falsities, and all their atrocities and abominations. They took them at face value as a necessary source of life, making them proper, desirable and good. However, the danger of this situation was such that the same attitude was also starting to establish itself in the intermediate world of spirits and, most danger­ously, it was starting to establish itself in the first outpost of the heavens. Some members of the positive state of heaven, being in a vast minority at that time, started to lose the true perspective of the spiritual state of affairs and by this obscur­ity were close to succumbing to the negative state. If this would be permitted to happen, the entire Creation would per­ish and the negative state would win its case. It is necessary to be aware of the fact that the heavens of the positive state occupy the position of the Inner Mind of Creation where Life from the Most High occurs. The heavens, from their role and position comparable to the Inner Mind, transmit this Divine Life from the Most High to the rest of Creation and to every­one living no matter where, even in the deepest, lowest hells. Thus, if the negative state would succeed in running over and conquering the heavens, as they were about to do, the trans­mission of Life would be suffocated and destroyed and the receptacle of Life in the form of sentient entities and beings could not remain anywhere. Everyone and everything would cease to exist.


However, the members of the negative state and people on Earth, as well as members of the positive state at that time, were not aware of this fact because there was no proper knowledge of the true nature and purpose of the negative state. Only the Most High had such knowledge and ability to prevent this gruesome takeover and ultimate destruction of Life by the negative state.


Therefore, it was necessary for the Most High to incar­nate on the planet Earth and illustrate by example to every­one in His/Her Creation the true nature of the negative state and to show everyone the way out of the negative state through the steps of acknowledgement of Jesus Christ as Savior, confession of one's sins, repentance, asking for mercy and forgiveness and for reception of a desire to change.


Now, because the true nature of the negative state is based on ignorance and reliance on external factors without any regard for anything internal, any attempt to explain the negative state by internal, heavenly concepts without any examples and illustrations in the externals, by the language of the externals, would miss its target and people would not be able to understand or accept it anywhere. After all, the nega­tive state originated in the most externals. Therefore, its proper understanding and the way out of it can be discernable by the external tools. The tools of the externals are concrete illustrations and living examples.


Thus, it was necessary for the Most High to personally become such a concrete illustration and living example for all. And since such illustrations and examples are possible and needed only at the same level and place where the nega­tive state originated and dominates, it was necessary for the Most High to incarnate on this planet where concreteness, tangibility and externalization are in their concrete most ex­treme. From that position the Most High was able to reveal the true nature of the negative state and outline the way out of it for everyone.


That the true knowledge of the negative state was un­available at that time even to people in the positive state is very obvious by the language of Jesus Christ used for His/ Her explanation of the negative state and showing the way out of the negative state by personal example.


As everyone knows, Jesus Christ spoke, most of the time, in parables and correspondences. This is a universal language that is understood by everyone in the positive state of Creation. The negative state does not understand this lan­guage but, instead, it has an example by life illustrated by Jesus Christ during the time of His/Her temptation by the pseudo-creators who are called devils and satans in the Holy Bible.


The point to realize here is that the first step in salvation is salvation of those in the positive state who are threatened by the negative state. From this stems the necessity to speak in parables and descend into the hells for the purpose of the subjugation and lock-up of the pseudo-creators and becom­ing the ultimate Master of the hells. That this is exactly what was accomplished by the Most High is apparent by what Jesus Christ says in the Revelation of Jesus Christ in the Holy Bible, Chapter 1, verse 18:


"I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive for­evermore.

 Amen. And I have the keys of Hades and of Death."


Now, from this verse it is very obvious what Jesus Christ undertook and what kind of hellish condition and state He had to go through in order to preserve Life forevermore. It is also very obvious from this verse that He became the uncon­tested Ruler, Master and Lord of all hells since to have the keys of Hades and of Death means to be in total control of the entire negative state. By this very step an uninterrupted life-flow to all was permanently assured. No one any longer, anywhere, will be under the threat of eternal death as was the case at the time of Jesus Christ's incarnation on planet Earth.

Once this most important step of salvation is complete, the second step can commence. Now all efforts can be made to save people who are in the negative state itself and who love and identify themselves with the negative state. Without first accomplishing the first step, no salvation of anyone in the negative state is possible. This second step of salvation is in the process of its activation and fulfillment. How long it will take to accomplish this can only be known to the Most High.



In the Absolute State of the Most High's Absolute Condition there is the Absolute Knowledge of everything in­cluding the nature of the negative state. However, in this con­dition no direct private, personal experience of the negative state is present because it is impossible to experience the nega­tive state by someone who is Absolutely Positive. That would lead to the loss of the Absolute State and Nature. The loss of the Absolute State would result in cessation of all life in Crea­tion and the Zone of Displacement because Life can emanate and be transmitted and supported only from its Absolute Source. If one removes this Absolute Condition of Life, by admitting into itself something which is not Absolute but only relative, and not only that, but something that opposes Life itself (this is the true nature of the negative state - to oppose true Life!), one simultaneously removes all Life. Thus, life would cease to be and to exist and the negative state would win its case.


Yet, in order to expose the true nature of the negative state and bring it under the control of the Absolute Source of Life - the Most High - it was necessary first to experience it, to be tempted by it and to be exposed directly to it.


This is accomplished in a manner described in one of the previous essays that deals with the reasons why Jesus Christ spoke about the Most High, God-the-Father, as if they were two separate persons and not One Indivisible God.


The Most High in His/Her aspect of Absolute Truth from the Absolute Good limited Himself/Herself by time and space, assumed a physical body, originally fabricated by the pseudo-creators, which enabled Him/Her a direct experience of the negative state, allowing Him/Her, thus, to vividly, concretely and by a living example illustrate the true nature of the negative state and to show the way out of it.


This is another important reason why it was necessary for the Most High to incarnate on this earth in the form of Jesus Christ.



At the time of Jesus Christ's incarnation on this planet, the prevalence of the negative state was to such an ex­tent that the majority of people lost their perspective that anything but the negative state exists. Under these conditions, a tendency developed and was established to perceive the status quo of this situation as the only available alternative. If the negative state is the only available alternative, then the negative state is the only feasible way of life. Therefore, the negative state, in fact, is positive and good and everything else is an illusion and doesn't exist. Such a conclusion leads inevitably to a false sense that no one has the freedom of choice.


The dangerousness of this situation is particularly obvi­ous when such negative thoughts and doubts start to enter the minds of those who are in the heavens. At that time the pseudo-creators were succeeding in contaminating the mem­bers of the positive state - the first outpost of the heavens ­trying to make them believe that there is no other alternative but the negative state and that the negative state is, in fact, the true positive state.


If the pseudo-creators would succeed in their endeavor, the members of the positive state in the heavens would lose their freedom of choice and the entire Creation would perish because its life stems from everyone's ability to choose freely from one's free will. Thus, free will would be repressed, and there would be no choice. Without this ability to choose, the negative state would win its case and everyone would be de­stroyed.


For this reason, it was necessary for the Most High, in the form of Jesus Christ, to incarnate on earth in the state of total slavery and bondage to the negative state, in order to re­store people's freedom of choice by giving them an alterna­tive in His/Her personality and life - an alternative they could have to the negative state. Being Absolute Freedom and Independency, the Most High was the only one who could successfully and effectively illustrate and demonstrate from Himself/Herself and by Himself/Herself that there is a better life, a positive life, a different life than the negative state. This positive life is the true life, the true alternative to the negative state which is a fake life, a miserable life and a dead life.


Because of the nature of the negative state, this illustration was necessary by the concrete and living example of someone who is Absolutely Free and Independent. No one else, with­out this Absolute Condition, could accomplish such a mis­sion because of the uncertainty of one's relative condition. Any uncertainty is vulnerable to defeat by the negative state, which feeds on people's hesitation and uncertainty. There­fore, only someone who was absolutely certain and determin­ed, without any signs of hesitation or doubts, could illustrate and bring to the entire Creation an alternative to the negative state by His/Her earthly life, conduct and personality.


This was one of the major reasons why it was necessary for the Most High personally to volunteer to be incarnated in the form of Jesus Christ on this planet.



At the time of Jesus Christ's incarnation on planet Earth, the prevalence and power of the negative state was to such an extent that most people in the Most High's Creation, including the positive state, were convinced that the negative state was forever and that everyone was forever locked into their condition or state. Because everyone at that time be­lieved this to be the case, this allowed everyone to believe that no matter what they did, no matter how much they wanted to, no matter what the circumstances, they could never change their state and condition to eternity. This situation is very wel­comed by the members of the negative state because it kills in people any motivation to change or to recede from the nega­tive state. Thus, one has a tendency to relinquish one's effort to be good because, after all, no effort can prevail over the established rule that one is locked forever in one's condition or state.


It is very obvious that this situation is very dangerous for the entire Creation because it hinders and blocks all efforts by people for spiritual progression on which the life of Creation is based and founded. If one is locked forever in the negative state, or in any one state at all, one has no opportunity for change, for promotion, for improvement, for growth and for progression. This attitude results in the state of stagnation and backsliding. Instead of being a better and better sentient entity and being, a more spiritual sentient entity and being, one would tend to become a worse and worse sentient being. With such a situation the negative state would win its case and the entire Creation and its life would cease to exist.


For this reason, it was necessary for the Most High Him­self/Herself, who is Absolute Dynamic and Progressive, to incarnate in the form of Jesus Christ on this earth and from the position of ignorance and limitations of the negative state to abolish this situation by showing everyone that whoever believes in Him/Her and does His/Her Will can become free and unlock oneself from any condition even if it is in the low­est and deepest hell. After all, why would Jesus Christ want to descend into the hells if not to prepare the way for all in the hells and everyone to start to realize at one point, that no one has to remain in any condition to eternity unless one chooses so by one's free will? Jesus Christ's mission into the hells was, among many other things, to establish a condition there that would eventually lead, when the time is right, later on, toward the initiation of the second step of His/Her salvation, that is. to salvation of everyone in the negative state and all its hells.


The first important step in this endeavor was to bring to everyone's realization that no one is forever locked in their condition and state. But, in order to do so, it is necessary to first give people a way and means to unlock themselves from their current condition and state.


By His/Her incarnation on this planet in the form of Jesus Christ, the Most High gave everyone in all places the ways and means to accomplish just that. Without this crucial and important act of salvation by Jesus Christ, everyone would be convinced that they are forever doomed to remain the way they are. After all, up to that point, there was no way by which the change of one's condition and state could be accomplished. Jesus Christ, by His acts and examples, became that way. Now, there is a way out of any condition without any exception or exclusion even if it is out of the deepest and lowest hells.



At the time of Jesus Christ's incarnation on this planet, the prevailing negative state was succeeding with im­planting in people's minds the wrong ideas and understanding of the true Nature of the Most High or God. It is only logical to come to the conclusion that, if the negative state is the only existing alternative, thus, being positive, then God, the Most High is basically of this negative nature. For that reason, God is perceived as an angry, jealous, cruel, hostile, fire-devour­ing, bloodthirsty murderer, who delights in bringing all kinds of miseries and sufferings on people particularly if they don't blindly follow Him/Her and listen to Him/Her. As one can see, the Most High is described and perceived here in human projections, which are projections of the negative state. This is an inevitable conclusion when the negative state prevails because it is the negative state's conceptualization of the Most High's Nature.


The mortal danger of such a conceptualization of the Most High's Nature is in the fact that, if the Most High is this negative way, then this is a positive way and, therefore, one should strive to be something or someone like this kind of God. Thus, this kind of conceptualization becomes an en­dorsement, justification, rationalization, and excuse for all evils and falsities to be and to exist and for the negative state's being and existence in general. After all, it is God who is negative. And because the negative is, in this connotation, good and godly, it is good and godly to be evil, negative and to be in falsities.


This kind of situation gives the negative state undisputed power, dominance, and influence over people's lives and their souls.


The problem with this situation was that the pseudo-­creators started to succeed with the infusion of these adverse ideas about the true Nature of the Most High even in some members of the positive state of the heavens. When this situa­tion occurred, in order to save the entire Creation from anni­hilation (after all, if everyone accepts the falsity that the Most High is negative then nothing of the positive remains, and since the positive state is the very transmitter of Life from the Absolute Positive Source of Life, the Most High, all life would cease to be transmitted and everyone would perish), it was necessary for the Most High personally, in the form of Jesus Christ, to incarnate on this earth in order to illustrate the true Nature of the Most High by a living example.


Thus, for the first time, concretely and vividly, Jesus Christ illustrated and manifested by living, personal, example what the Most High is, His/Her true Nature and on what base one can relate to the true Most High. Thus, Jesus Christ Himself/Herself illustrated that the Most High is Absolute Love and Absolute Wisdom and that He is Absolute Mercy, Forgiveness and Compassion and that He is the Absolute Positive State without containing any negativity and that He loves everyone to such an extent that He/She, Himself/Her­self, from the position of that Love and Wisdom, even incar­nated into the negative state to save everyone from the wrong conceptualization of the Most High's true Nature and thus from ultimate doom.


If someone other than the Most High, Himself/Herself, would attempt to illustrate the true Nature of the Most High, he/she would not be able to succeed because it would be by mediation only and not by direct illustration and experience. Anyone less than the Most High would be unsuccessful be­cause all members of Creation would have to conclude that the Love of God is not Absolute since God doesn't feel that His/Her Creation is worthy of His/Her sacrifice and love. After all, how does one prove one's love to another? By will­ingness to sacrifice his/her life for the other if necessary. If the Creator is not willing to sacrifice Himself/Herself for His/Her Creation, He/She is not Absolute Love. Then the negative state is correct about its conceptualization of the true Nature of the Most High. Under such conditions no proper, loving, kind, wise, personal, intimate and permanent relationship could be established with the Most High. If no such relationship could be established, nothing of the positive nature could be appropriated to anyone. In this case, every­one would be doomed to be in the negative state forever.


However, by illustrating the true Nature of the Most High and the entire positive state, Jesus Christ as the true Most High gave everyone in Creation and in the Zone of Dis­placement an eternal alternative to the negative state by which He/She enabled everyone to establish a loving, personal, kind, intimate and positive relationship with the Most High as with one's heavenly Father/Mother/God Who really cares.


Up to that point, no one was able to establish such a vital relationship with the Most High.



When the Most High created His/Her Creation, an eternal promise was made to everyone who was being created that, at some point in time and space, He/She would incar­nate in the external form of Creation in order to make Him­self/Herself known in all aspects of His/Her Creation from the most within to the most without including in the Zone of Displacement. This promise was a necessary condition for people to volunteer to be created. After all, everyone's posi­tion, state, condition, process and spiritual progression de­pends on the proper and meaningful relationship with the Most High. In other words, one's life depends on one's rela­tionship with the Most High.


However, the problem with this situation was that the Most High is Absolute and everyone in His/Her Creation is relative to that Absolute. Unfortunately, nothing of the Absolute Nature can be perceived, discerned, comprehended, understood and related to properly from the state of the rela­tive condition. Only the Absolute State can do this to another Absolute State. But no two Absolute States can be and exist because, if it were the case, they would be mutually exclusive. Neither of them would be Absolute and thus nothing would exist including God.


However, in order for Creation to be and to exist, it is necessary that everyone in that Creation establishes a rela­tionship to the Absolute Most High. But how does one estab­lish a relationship to someone who is Absolute, and, there­fore, cannot be perceived, discovered, understood, or sensed in any relative experiential mode? No proper relationship can be established under such conditions.


This is the reason why, before time and space, the Most High made such a promise to all prospective sentient beings and entities and all who would be fabricated in the hells, that He/She would, when the time necessitated, limit Himself/ Herself by time and space and assume some kind of form and condition that would enable everyone in Creation and in the Zone of Displacement to establish a tangible and experiential relationship with the Most High.


One of the most mystical and mysterious reasons why the negative state was allowed to come to its fruition by the Most High was that it would give the Most High an opportu­nity to fulfill this promise to His/Her Creation and to every­one in being and existence no matter who it is and no matter where they are.


Because such a manifestation of the Most High had to be all-inclusive and non-selective, the fulfillment of that promise had to be accomplished at the level that is the least spiritual and the most negative. Incarnation on any other level except the most negative would not do the job because everyone below the level on which the Most High incarnated would not be able to perceive or to comprehend that level. Therefore, certain people would be excluded from this vital and crucial ability to relate to the Most High.


On the other hand, the incarnation of the Most High into the most negative level (planet Earth) is an all-inclusive one because everyone is able to perceive, discern, to under­stand and to arrive at that level. The spiritual rule here is that the lowest level can be and exists only from the highest level and, therefore, everyone in the highest levels can easily per­ceive and discern everything in the lower levels because it suc­ceeds from it or it is in opposition to it. However, nothing and no one in the succeeding level or in the opposite level can perceive and relate directly to anyone in the preceeding or the positive level. This is particularly true about the negative state which essentially denies the being and existence of the posi­tive state. By the act of this denial the negative state excludes itself from all levels of Creation and, therefore, cannot per­ceive anything at all of the true Nature of the Most High's Creation. On the other hand, the positive state can easily per­ceive the negative state because its being and existence de­pends on the being and existence of the positive state. What­ever is in a dependent position is perceivable and understand­able by anyone on whom it depends.


This is the reason why the Most High chose to incarnate in the most negative level, which is the pseudo-planet Earth, in order to encompass everyone in the positive state and in the negative state for the purpose of fulfilling His/Her promise.


So, He/She assumed a physical, human body, originally fabricated by the pseudo-creators. By that assumption the Most High made His/Her Divine also Human. Up to this point, nothing of the human existed in the Divine Essence and Substance of the Most High's Nature. Through such a human form He/She became visible, discernable, approach­able, touchable, perceivable and tangible by all other forms and manifestations at all levels of being and existence, includ­ing at all levels of the negative state. Now everyone in Crea­tion and in the Zone of Displacement can relate concretely, personally, intimately and privately to the Most High. Once the Most High made His/Her Divine Human, through the physical birth into the negative state, the next important step was, in order to preserve this tangible form to eternity, to make that Human form Divine. Without this crucial step, no permanent preservation of the concrete form of the Most High could be accomplished and the previous undesirable nontangible situation and condition would return. This would make it impossible for the succeeding cycles of the Most High's Creation to establish that vital and crucial rela­tionship to the Most High. The Most High, once again, would become a nontangible, remote, unapproachable, undiscern­able, incomprehensible and alien Absolute Being about whom no concept could be arrived at in any human mind.


This is the reason why it was necessary to make the as­sumed human form of the negative state Divine. But, nothing of the negative state can be contained in the Divine because it would not be, then, Divine. For that reason the Most High submitted His/Her Human form and it's negativity to severe temptation by the hells, through which He/She gradually, during His/Her earthly life, repudiated all evils, falsities and negativities from that human body. The process of making that human body Divine was completed by the Most High at the moment of His/Her resurrection.


Thus, after this resurrection, the Most High took that human body which now was made Divine, with Him/Her and from that time He/She appears to everyone in His/Her Crea­tion and in the Zone of Displacement in the form of Jesus Christ. This is the reason why Jesus Christ proclaims in vari­ous places of the Gospels that no one can come to the Father, that is, to the Most High, but only through Him/Her - that is, through His/Her Divine Human and Human Divine.


By completion of this important step, the Most High ful­filled His/Her promise that was made before time and space to all prospective beings and entities in His/Her Creation and in the Zone of Displacement.


This is probably one of the most important reasons why the Most High volunteered to incarnate on this planet in the form of Jesus Christ.



One of the vital aspects of the ability of the negative state to be and to exist is in unequality, self-exclusivity, self-­righteousness, partiality and preferential treatment. These aspects of the negative state gave an impetus for the origina­tion of many. nations, races, classes, groups, religions, philos­ophies and their discriminations, as well as the discrimina­tions of the gender.


From this situation and condition a very dangerous view began to prevail that the Most High prefers one nation over another, one race over another, one class of people over another, one gender over another (particularly men over women), one religion and philosophy over another, etc. Thus, the source of all discrimination, impartiality, injustice and inequality was placed and projected onto the Most High.


Under these conditions the negative state flourishes, pro­gresses and grows geometrically in its power and dominance. People tend to justify, excuse and rationalize their hate, dis­crimination, racism, evil and similar matters because they believe that the Most High is the same way.


Such a situation is intolerable because it makes it impos­sible for anyone to have a proper and correct understanding of the true Nature of the Most High and to establish a proper relationship with Him/Her and with everyone else in the Most High's Creation. If this situation were to continue all Creation would eventually perish.


For that reason, the Most High, in the form of Jesus Christ, volunteered to be incarnated on earth where this pseudo-philosophy dominates and to manifest and illustrate by a living example that God is impartial and that He/She loves everyone equally in the entire Creation and in all levels of the Zone of Displacement no matter how good or evil one is, no matter what race, gender or class one is or belongs to and no matter whether one is a human, a man, a woman, a demon, a devil or a satan or a creature of the hells and that perception of this inequality doesn't stem from the Most High's Nature but from the recipients of the Most High's Love and Wisdom. The difference is not in the Most High, Who is Absolute Love and Absolute Wisdom and for whom all are equal, but in the beings, entities, and things themselves who are placed in different states, conditions, angles, modes of perception and reception of the Most High's Love and Wisdom. This can be illustrated nicely by the words of Jesus Christ as recorded in the Gospel According to Matthew, Chapter 5, verse 45:


"For He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good,

 and sends rain on the just and on the unjust."


Thus, figuratively speaking, it is not the sun which causes the different reactions, since it is shining equally on everything and everyone, but it is the recipient of the sun's rays that responds to its influence differently.


Jesus Christ's mission and illustration in this and all other respects led to the restoration of proper understanding of where the true responsibilities of sentient lives lie. When before that, God was to be blamed for everything, at the pres­ent time it is very obvious that it is not God Who causes human suffering and misery but people themselves by choos­ing to occupy a wrong or insufficient position toward the Most High and the negative state.


This proper understanding puts everything in a correct and right perspective and gives one a tremendous tool and responsibility to get out of the negative state by the ways and means which were illustrated, demonstrated and brought to people's attention by the Most High.


This is another important reason why the Most High, in the form of Jesus Christ, volunteered to incarnate on this earth.


In conclusion of this Chapter it is necessary to emphasize to everyone reading this book, who is kind enough to him­self/herself to do so, that as with everything else, there is a transcending understanding to the reasons for the Most High's incarnation on this earth beyond the ones which are reflected in the above nine points. However, at the present time, they cannot be revealed. When the time is ripe, then the Most High will most certainly reveal them.





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