Peter D. F.
A Note of Introduction by The Lord Jesus Christ
to Any Prospective Reader of This Book
“Before seriously undertaking the reading of The New Revelation of The Lord Jesus Christ, as recorded in this book, any prospective reader should be aware of the following important facts:”
“The Lord Jesus Christ made a free choice to use the third person form of expression and not the first person, as the reader, perhaps, would expect. The main reason for this choice is in preservation of freedom of choice of every reader to accept or to reject what is written in this book. The use of the first person’s form of expression, such as, for example, ‘I say,’ ‘I state,’ ‘I do,’ etc., has a commanding, forceful, indisputable, imposing and ordering connotation. The true Nature of The Lord Jesus Christ does not contain any inclination whatsoever to command, to force, to impose, to order or to intimidate anything on anyone. This Nature is comprised of Absolute Freedom and Independence. If one operates from the state of this Absolute Freedom and Independence, one can never express oneself in any other mode but in the mode of freedom and independence. To command, to order, to impose, etc., would violate this Nature. Thus, the use of the third person’s form of expression takes away this undesirable connotation and side effect.”
“Another important reason for this choice is the illustration and exemplification of the attitude of true humility, modesty and humbleness. If the true spiritual principles of life require people and humans to be humble and modest, it is only natural that the Absolute Source of all true spiritual principles — The Lord Jesus Christ — set His/Her own example of this modesty, humbleness and humility. One of the fundamental traits of the Absolute Nature of The Lord Jesus Christ is Absolute Innocence, Humility, Modesty and Humbleness. Because of this fundamental trait, The Lord Jesus Christ can relate to anyone only from the position of this trait. You do not relate from the position of something which you do not have. You relate only from the position of something which you have. This is a common principle of any relationship. The use of the third person’s form of expression helps to emphasize this important attitude.”
“An important spiritual reason exists, known only to The Lord Jesus Christ, why He/She chose Dr. Peter Daniel Francuch as the transmitter of The New Revelation for this time. Peter is someone whose native tongue is not English and who has never formally studied the English language. The grammatical structure of any language, and particularly of the English language, puts too many limits on expressions of spiritual ideas. These limitations are being utilized by the negative state to distort, pervert and falsify the original and genuine meaning of those ideas. In order to avoid this danger, at times, it is necessary to violate the grammatical structures and rules of the used language.”
“The Lord Jesus Christ chose to use Peter’s unique and specific mode of expression, his language and the way he formulates his ideas for conveying the principles of The New Revelation. It suits The Lord Jesus Christ very well to use exactly the mode of thinking, feeling, expression of ideas, sentence structure and the words that Peter uses. The way Peter is and the way he thinks, feels and expresses himself is an integral part of his assignment and mission — to be exactly that way. It is not by coincidence that all Peter’s effort in the past to undertake a systematic formal study of the English language and grammar had always been thwarted. This was for the purpose of avoidance of being contaminated by the rigid rules of grammar for expression of any ideas.”
“Let the reader be aware that, if The Lord Jesus Christ needed to express Himself/Herself differently and, in the opinion of some readers, in a more acceptable and grammatical manner, He/She would have most certainly chosen some scholar of the English language or someone who would be able to adhere more closely to those rules. But such a choice would miss the whole point.”
“Humans will always have a tendency to find any excuse why not to agree, or not to read or not to implement what they have read in this, or any other book of the New Revelation. Some of them are easily turned off by some unsuitable, in their opinion, expressions or words or ideas or the way they are formulated and conveyed. Such humans have an inordinate need to express things in their own words, in their own ideas and by their own conceptualization of how things should be formulated. From that position they compulsively want to rewrite such books, to edit them, to substitute the used words by some others in order to soften or to remove the genuine intent for which the original words were chosen. Again, if The Lord Jesus Christ wished to use those kinds of words in order to convey His/Her New Revelation, He/She would have most certainly chosen someone who would be able to express it in a different mode than the one used in this book.”
“There are important spiritual reasons, beyond human comprehension, why The Lord Jesus Christ chose this mode of conveyance of The New Revelation’s ideas, as reflected in Peter’s manner of speech, language, expression and mode of thinking. Because of these important spiritual reasons, after the final version of the manuscript is submitted for typesetting and published, or after it is presented for reading, anyone who, at any time, in the present or in the future, attempts to revise or to edit or to substitute any words or to change anything in this book, besides obvious typographical, spelling or mechanical errors, will be distorting or even falsifying the true meaning of this book.”
“Any changes or additions in this respect, if at all, have to come directly from The Lord Jesus Christ. After all, this is His/Her book. And, of course, such changes or additions would come through Peter again. Once or if Peter is no longer available for doing this important work, then and only then someone else will be chosen by The Lord Jesus Christ for transmission of a new book or books which would be logical sequels, but not revisions (within its content), of this book.”
“The reading of this book, in order to be properly understood, requires some familiarity with the previous work transmitted through Peter. In actuality, the nine previous books of this nature can be considered a preparation and introduction to this one. For this reason, if the reader intends to read this book without any prior familiarity with some of the previous books written by Peter, he/she should prepare himself/herself for the greatest shock of his/her life. It will not be easy to accept anything revealed in this book.”
“But, as always, if the reader keeps his/her mind open, and is willing to relinquish any preconceived ideas of his/her own expectations and of his/her own adopted views, opinions, religion, philosophy or whatever he/she has, and will approach this reading with a positive and good intent, for the sake of learning and changing, he/she will be blessed with wisdom of understanding, acceptance and application of everything revealed in this book.”
“Some readers will, perhaps, complain that there is too much redundancy in this book. The readers of this nature should be advised that, very often, a certain spiritual idea underlies many diverse factors. When exploring each factor in particular, that principle needs to be restated and repeated. In a philosophical sense, this is not redundancy but looking at the principle in question from an entirely different perspective. Please, remember this fact when reading this book.”
“And, finally, it is very crucial that this book is read in sequel from the first chapter to the last one without skipping or beginning to read a chapter without reading the preceding chapters first. One chapter follows the other and each subsequent chapter is built on what was revealed in the preceding chapter. Thus, to skip the reading of the previous chapters may put the content of the read chapter out of the context of The New Revelation. Moreover, The Lord Jesus Christ returns to some topics, discussed in the previous chapters, and elaborates on them or reveals some other aspects of them later on. To read about these topics without any connectedness to their initial revelation would make them difficult to properly understand.”
“Thank you for reading and considering what was revealed here.”
This message came to me, by the word of The Lord Jesus Christ, after the transmission of the last Chapter of this book was completed on May 18, 1988. I was advised to place it at the beginning of this book in order to forward it.
Santa Barbara, California, U.S.A. May 18, 1988 at 6:46 p.m. (18:46)
Peter D. Francuch, Ph.D. The transmitter — a servant
and follower of The Lord Jesus Christ.
A small note from processor of the text of the New Revelation on the Internet (this is not part of the original book)
Be this important information useful for all people interested in their spiritual development, and allowing them to get prepared for an advancement into the New age, on the New Earth. The Lord Jesus Christ always shows us in our hearts the right direction, it is only about sensing it and listening to one’s own within.
We (4 people in contact with the Prime Creator of all and everything – according to the present terminology – and with Cosmic friends of Forces of Light) have verified and confirmed that the New Revelation books are TRUE, more specifically around 90% true, so again, it is up to every reader to sense wrongly processed parts of the text much like of any other text here on the planet Earth. Mistakes occur during transmission, during translation into other languages (not applicable here since this is the original), and furthermore during preparation for printing. Forces of darkness do never sleep !
Texts are scans of the books which have not been spread in bookstores and no advertisement has been given to them, so they were little-known until now. Therefore, I have decided to change this state and now a great majority of persons interested in this information are in a position to obtain the information. No alterations have been made to the texts; I have only added numbers in parentheses in large numbered portions of texts inside the chapters in order to increase readability of the texts.
I am thankful to the Lord Jesus Christ for having an opportunity to acquaint myself with this teaching and also for being in a position to spread and disseminate these energies on the planet Earth in the 3rd dimension.
With love Ivo A. Benda, the processor and propagator of the NEW REVELATION books.
1) THE NEW REVELATION OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, Peter D. F., 1992, 777 original pages, complex commentary from Lord Jesus Christ on PRESENT SITUATION OF EARTHLY MANKIND including its history and ways of solution in 30 chapters. Received in 1988. KEY MATERIAL ! ! !
2) FUNDAMENTALS OF HUMAN SPIRITUALITY, Peter D. F., 1982, 262 pages, commentary on human spirituality and its relation to the Creation. Covered in 1982.
3) MESSAGES FROM WITHIN, Peter D. F., 1982, 278 pages, other additional information augmenting the New revelation.
4) FOUR CONCEPTS OF THE SPIRITUAL STRUCTURE OF CREATION, Peter D. F., 1983, 119 pages, other additional information augmenting the New revelation.
5) REALITY, MYTH & ILLUSION, Peter D. F., 1984, 506 pages, other additional information augmenting the New revelation.
6) WHO ARE YOU AND WHY ARE YOU HERE ?, Peter D. F., 1984, 256 pages, position of earthman in the Creation. Processed in 1984.
7) MAJOR IDEAS OF THE NEW REVELATION, Peter D. F., 1985, 266 pages, other additional information augmenting the New revelation.
8) UNDERSTANDING AND FULFILLMENT OF OUR EARTHLY LIFE, Peter D. F., 1985, 198 pages, what of our life is bound to this world.
9) COROLLARIES TO THE NEW REVELATION OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, Peter D. F., 1997, 352 pages. Received in 1992-4. The last supplementary information extending the New revelation. It is recommended to read this book after triple reading of the previous books.
All the Bible’s wordings are presented according to “The New King James Version of The Holy Bible“, Thomas Nelson Publishers, New York
“The New Revelation” books vitally concern everyone on planet Earth, for everyone has a suite - the material body – fabricated by pseudo-creators ! ! ! Understanding of this fact gives a possibility of finding a solution to problems of every man on Earth.
Don't be afraid of anything and spread this information with love in your heart in all directions - primarily to schools – teachers, medics, officials and scientists and to everyone who may be interested in, don't miss out journalists and politicians. It will be of help to many people and a big bummer for pseudo-creators.
A Note of Introduction By The Lord Jesus Christ To Any Prospective Reader of This Book. LIST AND CONTENT OF THE NEW REVELATION BOOKS.
Chapter 1.
The Differences Between The Revelation of Jesus Christ and the New Revelation of The Lord Jesus Christ.
Chapter 2.
The Nature of The Lord Jesus Christ.
Chapter 3.
Betrayal of Christianity.
Chapter 4.
The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ.
Chapter 5.
Principles and Applications of the New Spiritual Hypnotherapy and of The Process of Going Inward.
Chapter 6.
The Mystery of Pseudo-Creators.
Chapter 7.
The Concept of Antichrist.
Chapter 8.
The Last Judgment.
Chapter 9.
The Meaning of the Last Supper.
Chapter 10.
Update, Modification and Redefinition of the Spiritual Laws.
Chapter 11.
The Concept of Sin and Human Problems.
Chapter 12.
The Concept of Life in General and Human Life in Particular.
Chapter 13.
How to Survive Human Life.
Chapter 14.
The Impact of the New Nature of The Lord Jesus Christ on Creation, The Zone of Displacement and Human Life.
Chapter 15.
The Mystery of the New Revelation.
Chapter 16.
Practice of the New Revelation.
Chapter 17.
The Placement of Planet Zero, Humans and Humankind In Relationship to All Else.
Chapter 18.
The New Life of the Positive State.
Chapter 19.
Life After Human Life.
Chapter 20.
The Mystery of Sexuality in General and Human Sexuality in Particular.
Chapter 21.
The Mystery of Creation and the Zone of Displacement.
Chapter 22.
The Mystery of Birth, Death, Resurrection, Rebirth, Transfiguration and Transformation.
Chapter 23.
How The Lord Jesus Christ Governs His/Her Creation, The Zone of Displacement and Planet Zero.
Chapter 24.
The Ten Commandments Revisited.
Chapter 25.
The Mystery of the Ten Spiritual Principles.
Chapter 26.
The Lord's Prayer Revisited.
Chapter 27.
The Mystery of the New Prayer Formulated by The Lord Jesus Christ.
Chapter 28.
The Mystery of the Road of Life.
Chapter 29.
Some Brief Clarifications on the Structure and Nature of the Zone of Displacement.
Chapter 30.
The New Revelation In Perspective.
22 units.
A Very Important Introduction
PART I: Spiritual Deterioration
Chapter 1.
Definition and Principles of Spirituality in General and Human Spirituality in
Concept of the Most High.
Chapter 2.
Origin of Matter, Universe and Sentient Entities. Original Purpose, Goal and Structure of Human Life and Its Natural, Mental and Spiritual States.
Chapter 3.
Beginning of and Reasons for Human Spiritual Deterioration.
Chapter 4.
Consequences and Impact of Human Spiritual Deterioration on Development of Mankind as a Whole.
Chapter 5.
Consequences and Impact of Human Spiritual Deterioration on Specific Areas of Human Life, Human Activities, Human Systems and Human Relations.
Chapter 6.
Profound Crisis of All Human Systems, Values, Traditions, Conventions and Cultures. End of the Human Era.
Chapter 7.
Present State of Affairs in Mankind's Condition and Human Spirituality. Preparation for the New Age.
Part II: Spiritual Reawakening
Chapter 1.
Understanding of True Human Nature.
Chapter 2.
The Structure of the Human Mind.
Chapter 3.
The Dynamics of the Human Mind. Building of a New Spiritual Psychology and Spiritual Social Sciences.
Chapter 4.
Purification and Synthesis of Grains of Truths Existent in Traditions and Conventions of the Human Systems.
Chapter 5.
Opening of All Levels of Being and Existence and Building a Permanent Bridge Among Them.
Chapter 6.
Dangers and Precautions in the Process of Opening and Building. Perils of Transition.
Chapter 7.
The Proper and Right Tools and Building Blocks for the New Age. Development of the hew Methodologies of the Human Systems.
Part III: Spiritual Progression
Chapter 1.
Definition and Principles of Spiritual Progression.
Chapter 2.
The New Structure of the Human Systems: Analysis of the Structure.
Chapter 3.
The New Dynamics of the Human Systems: Analysis of Dynamics.
Chapter 4.
The Nature and the Structure of the New Mankind.
Chapter 5.
Place, Purpose and Goals of the New Mankind and its Systems in the Universality of It All.
Chapter 6.
Style of Life and Human Relations in the New Era. Analysis of the New Spirituality.
Chapter 7.
Perspectives and Future Possibilities of Human Development and Spiritual Progression.
3) MESSAGES FROM WITHIN - 40 messages, 41 units.
Message 1.
On Misinterpretation of "Jupiter Effect".
Message 2.
On the Nature of the Most High.
Message 3.
On Marriage and Sexuality.
Message 4.
On Changeability of One's State and Condition. On Establishment by the Most High of a Special School of Spiritual Re-Awakening, Re-Learning and Re-Structuring in the Spiritual World.
Message 5.
On a New Heavenly Society and Its Purpose and Function.
Message 6.
On the Swedenborg's Understanding of the Last Judgment. On the Bible and Its Various
Message 7.
On life and Its Meanings. More on Sexuality and Sexual Intercourse.
Message 8.
On the Principles of Spiritual Homogeneity.
Message 9.
More on the Function of the New Heavenly Society.
Message 10.
On the Spiritual Requirements of Everyday Life and a Set of Rules for Such a Life.
Message 11.
On the New Hellish Pseudo-Society and Its Purpose and Function. Warning About Its Works.
Message 12.
On Various Eras in Mankind's History of Spiritual Development.
Message 13.
On Methods of Acquiring Knowledges Throughout Mankind's History.
Message 14.
On the Major Structural Changes of the Spiritual World.
Message 15.
On Sexuality in the Spiritual World.
Message 16.
Continuation on Sexuality in the Spiritual World.
Message 17.
On How Longevity of People's Natural Life on Earth is Determined.
Message 18.
More on the Philosophy of the New School in the Spiritual World.
Message 19.
More on the Structure and Function of the New Heavenly Society.
Message 20.
On Tactics and Methods of Operation of the New Hellish Pseudo-Society.
Message 21.
On the Philosophical Concept of Time.
Message 22.
On Spiritual Principles and Life in General.
Message 23.
On Practical Application in Everyday Life of Spiritual Principles.
Message 24.
On Spiritual Requirements of Everyday Life and Living.
Message 25.
On the Practical Principles of Everyday Living.
Message 26.
On the Proper Understanding of the Negative State's Nature. On Inappropriateness of People's Understanding of Some Life Events.
Message 27.
On People's Modes of Perception, Unconscious Processes and Altered States of Consciousness.
Message 28.
On Spiritual Wars and the Methods, Tactics and Weapons Used in These Wars and How They Correspond to the Human's Earthly Wars.
Message 29.
On the Source of People's Problems, Miseries and Sufferings and How to Overcome Them.
Message 30.
On People's Spiritual, Mental and Physical Equipment and on Methods of Treatment Of Their Problems. On Proper Understanding of Concepts of Karma and Reincarnation.
Message 31.
Some Practical Clarifications on the Concept of Spirituality and Spiritual Principles.
Message 32.
On the Process of Incarnation of Human Beings on Earth and How Their Choices are made.
Message 33.
On How to Determine Whether One is in the Positive or Negative State.
Message 34.
On the Issues of Everyday Living and On Proper Building Blocks of Everyone's Life.
Message 35.
On the Structure and Content of Reality.
Message 36.
On the Nature and Structure of Creation and On Spiritual, Mental and Physical Illnesses and Their Treatment.
Why Do People Choose To Go To Hell ?
An Additional Message Regarding the New Heavenly Society.
A Brief Comment on the Concept of Reincarnation.
An Important Announcement From the Most High.
4 chapters, 5 units.
A Brief Introduction
Chapter 1.
Spiritual Theory of the Universal Multidimensional Zone of Displacement.
Chapter 2.
Spiritual Principles of the Middle State.
Chapter 3.
Principles of Spiritual Metaphysics.
Chapter 4.
Human Will and Intentions And Their Multiple Reincarnation.
5) REALITY, MYTH & ILLUSION - 18 chapters, 17 units.
Chapter 1.
The Most Common Myths And Illusions That People Cling To.
Chapter 2.
Discussion On The Structure Of The New Heavenly Society.
Chapter 3.
Three Dialogues.
I. Dialogue On Spiritual Aspects Of Sexuality.
II. Memorandum And Dialogue On Dealing With The Negative Entities.
III. More On The Structure Of The New Heavenly Society.
Chapter 4.
More On The Structure Of The New Heavenly, Celestial-Cosmical Society Or Galaxy (Conclusion).
Chapter 5.
Some Thoughts On The Nature Of The Negative State.
Chapter 6.
On Some General Trends Of The Negative State.
Chapter 7.
A Warning About The Negative Entities.
Chapter 8.
On Femininity, Masculinity And Human Sexuality.
Chapter 9.
On The Origin Of Modern Man.
Chapter 10.
On The True Purpose Of Human Life.
Chapter 11.
Nine Circles Of Creation.
Chapter 12.
Analysis Of A Deceptive Mode Of The Negative And Evil Entities Who Contaminated H.'s Spiritual Transformation Process.
Chapter 13.
More On The Structure Of The Zone Of Displacement.
Chapter 14.
The Completion Of H.'s Process Of Intensive Spiritual Hypnotherapy (An Empirical Illustration Of The Proper Procedures In The Process Of Intensive Spiritual Hypnotherapy).
Chapter 15.
On The New Methods And Tactics For Combating Evil And Negative Forces.
Chapter 16.
Further Elaboration On The Procedures By Which Humans Incarnate On Planet Earth.
Chapter 17.
On The Structure Of Human Mind Which Is Trapped In The Zone Of Displacement.
Chapter 18.
On The Structure, Content and Meaning Of The Holy Bible.
6) WHO ARE YOU AND WHY ARE YOU HERE ? – 5 chapters, 7 units.
Why You Need To Read This Book ?
Chapter 1.
Is The History Of Mankind And Thus The History Of Your Origin, As Described In Various Scientific And Religious Books A Correct One ? Are You Really Who They Say You Are ? What Is The True Reality About All Of This ?
Chapter 2.
Of What Do You Really Consist ? How Many Levels And Aspects Are Within You ? What Is Your Place And Position In This Universe And In Relationship To Others ? Do You Really Live In A Genuine And True World ? What Is The Purpose Of Your Life ? Did You Really Start Your Life On Planet Earth ?
Chapter 3.
What Is The Real Origination Of All Your Problems, Troubles, Bad Habits, Sufferings, Miseries, Illnesses, Diseases, Accidents, Incidents, And All Other Misfortunes, Liabilities, Shortcomings, Et Cetera ? What Kind Of Purpose Do They Serve In Your Life? Do You Really Need Them ? How Did The Negative State Really Originate? Did Eve In The Garden Of Eden Really Eat An Apple And Give It To Adam To Eat, Which Act Supposedly Started All Human Miseries And The Negative State? What Does All This Really Mean And Signify ? How Can It Be Applied To Your Own Private Life Or To Everyday Living ?
Chapter 4.
What Are The Proper, Right, Correct, Efficient, Successful And Effective Means And Ways To Find Your Way Back To The True Life, To Your True Inner Self, To Your True Inner Mind And To True Happiness ? How Do You Get Rid Of Problems And Troubles Be They Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, Intellectual, Sexual, Personal Or Physical Or Any Others Without Any Exception Or Exclusion ?
Chapter 5.
How Do You Continuously, Properly Maintain Your Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, Intellectual And Over All Well-Being and Happiness Without Back-Sliding Or Reverting To Your Previous Unproductive And Self-Defeating Lifestyle, Or Without Stagnating In One Place ? How Do You Fulfill To Your, And Your Creator's Satisfaction, The Purpose Of Your Life On Planet Earth ? Does Your Personal, Unique, Self-Aware Individual Life End With Your Physical Death ? What Happens To You After You Leave Your Body And This Earth ?
Do You Now Really Know Who You Are And Why You Are Here And What It Is To Be A
Truly Spiritual And Happy Human Being, An Integrated Human Being?
7) MAJOR IDEAS OF THE NEW REVELATION - 16 chapters, 17 units.
On Various Types Of Revelations And How To Properly Verify Their Source And Validity.
On The Spiritual Meaning Of Chapter 7 In Prophet Daniel In The Holy Bible.
The Requirements For The Speaker And Transmitter Of The Most High's Revelations And Messages.
Revisions Of And Update On Proper Procedures For Verification And Security Checks Of The True Spiritual Advisors During Spiritual Hypnotherapy And Spiritual Self-Hypnosis.
Why Did Jesus Christ Speak About And Relate To His Father-God As Though He And The Father Were Two Different Persons Or Entities And Not One And The Same God-Indivisible ?
Update On The Issue Of Why People Choose To Go To Hell.
What Are The True Reasons For Existence Of So Many Different And Often Contradictory Religions And Their Numerous Sects On Planet Earth ?
On The Reasons For The Most High's Incarnation On Planet Earth In The Form And Manifestation Of Jesus Christ.
Why Did The Most High Allow The Negative State To Remain In An Activated And Dominant Mode On Earth And Elsewhere Even After He/She, In The Form Of Jesus Christ, Conquered, Subjugated And Put All The Hells Under His/Her Dominance.
Spiritual Interpretation Of One Limited Aspect Of The Content Of Chapter Eight In The Prophet Daniel.
On The Proper Understanding Of The Concept Of The New Revelation.
Summary Of The Major Concepts And Ideas Of The Current New Revelation.
Self-Correcting And Progressive Mode Of The Revealed Truths.
To Love The Lord Above All And Above Everything.
Changes Of States And Conditions.
The End Of The Human Era On Planet Earth And In All Regions Of The Zone Of Displacement.
10 units.
Chapter 1.
Spiritual Life.
Chapter 2.
Mental Life.
Chapter 3.
Physical Or Bodily Life.
Chapter 4.
Sexual Life.
Chapter 5.
Professional Or Work Life.
Chapter 6.
Family Life.
Chapter 7.
Social Life.
Chapter 8.
Leisure And Sleep Life.
Chapter 9.
Balanced Or Integrated Life.
32 units.
Update 1.
For The Agents Of The Positive State Of The Lord Jesus Christ And Practitioners Of His/Her New Revelation.
Update 2.
To All Readers And Practitioners Of The New Revelation Of The Lord Jesus Christ And His/Her Servants And Followers.
Update 3.
The Requirements For The Speaker And Transmitter Of The Most High's Revelations And Messages.
Update 3A.
Update 4.
Update 5.
Update 6.
Update 7.
Update 8.
Update 9.
Update 10.
Update 11.
Update 12.
Update 13.
Update 14.
Update 15.
Update 16.
Update 17.
Update 18.
Update 19.
A Private Conversation Between The Lord Jesus Christ And Peter.
Update 20.
An Advice.
A Reminder.
The Source Of False Memories In Past Lives Experiences And Therapies.
Revelation On The Revelator Of "A Course In Miracles".
On Infancy.
Clarification Of Some Important Spiritual Concepts.
A Letter To All.
A Second Private Conversation.
More than 7000 pages in Czech and 18000 pages in other languages
and 5000 pictures about Cosmic people – Heavenly Angels
can be found on the Internet: